If you have Netflix and haven't watched "Meat Hunter"


New member
You're missing out on a great program. And, best of all, there are lots of episodes.
Huntin, some fishin, some cookin.

Good stuff.

Take a look. :)


New member
Prefer Amazon, or Youtubes, Fresh Tracks and On Your Own Adventures.
Shows hunting how it really is.
Eating your tag and all.


New member
This has been on my list, I really need to get started on it....

As soon as I finished The Office for the 20th time....


New member
How does it stack up to Fresh Tracks on Amazon Prime with Randy Newberg? That's been my 'go to' lately.


I saw my first episode last weekend at my dad's ( I don't have cable- don't watch TV much at all, but we were snowed in and ran out of squirrels to kill with the pellet gun .... ) .... liked it .... turns out my kid's got a Netflix account and I watched a couple of episodes tonight ...... where as most hunting shows come off (to me, JMHO) as either a self-promoting ego trip, an infomercial for sponsors' products or services, or BOTH (most generally) ..... this guy seems real ..... yes, there are Vortex and Swarovski and bvarious cammo logos seen, but he doesn' spend any time pluggin' them/ saying you need THIS ..... and he shows the failures and mistakes ...... the best episode thus far was when he took 2 non-hunters to hunt turkeys ..... one of whom had never shot a gun before, ever ..... it was entertaining ..... it was straightforward, no BS, it was a story of these people's experiences in these few days ..... well told. This was Gold, as far as framing/explaining why people hunt. THIS is how it's DONE.