If you could only keep one handgun in your collection?

I currently own 4 handguns, a Taurus Tracker 357 mag, Taurus MIL-PRO 40, an XD 40, and a Ruger 22/45. If I could only keep one of these guns, it would have to be the tracker 357 mag. This gun has the versatility of shooting 38's, is a fine woodlands protection gun, and the 357 is legendary against human predator's. So for me, if its only one gun, I'll take the 357 magnum. :D

How about the rest of the folks here? What gun would you keep?


New member
My Sigarms Mauser M2 .40. I'd hate to part with my USP and others, but this little bargain pistol is the finest shooter I've ever had the pleasure of throwing lead with.


New member
Glock 36...

I only have 2 Handguns atm. The Glock and a PT-140. I haven't even had a chance to shoot the Glock yet but I can already tell I'm gonna love it.


New member
I would keep my 6 inch Colt King Cobra, .357. My first revolver, super accurate and just plain beautiful. I would also want to keep my 27-2, for its super slick trigger. Sue me, I'm keeping 2.:eek:


New member
well... hummm Out of the ones I have.

Ruger SRH 44. mag ( 2 of them 1 scoped ) :)
Ruger gp-100 357
Ruger sp-101 357
Springfield XD-45
3 Yugo SKS's
Remington 20 g shotgun

I think I would keep my 44 mag.... I just love shooting that gun! I have more rounds through it than any of my others just due to the "umph" facter :) I love it! so that would be mine. Jeff.


New member
first handgun will be my last cause my xd .357sig is a horse. Not 1 problem, headache nothing. Feels great, works great, easy to use, clean, breakdown whatever. Plus is a sentimental thing :)


New member
Springfield XD40 Man - :eek: :eek: :eek: ...!!!

I go on "Overload" trying to contemplate that one. If it were a matter of make up my mind right now about a handgun or (Insert really bad thing......) I say keep the 3" "J" frame M36 w/ plain ol' "Ball" - Wimpy; I think not..! But, I say again: :eek: :eek: :eek:..!
Long(er) gun: 20" 12 Ga. Wingmaster should handle it (w/ a nice array of rounds); whatever it is..!

Eric Howland


New member
would be hard. I love all my children, but if I had to bet my life on one. It would be my glock 27, becaue of low maintenance and reliability.


New member
It depends. If my son has to shoot it as well then a Beretta 96 retrofitted to .357SIG. It's his favorite and my second favorite.
If he gets to have his own (which he wouldn't, being 13), make mine a H&K USP40.


New member
My Glock 35 would be the ''last gun standing''.

I love its power, reliability, look, and toughness. The G35 would be my last gun.
Its also a very good SHTF and competition gun.

BTW, my last rifle would be my norinco .22mag 22'' with a red-dot on it. Its very reliable and truly over-engineered. Even with a very dirty chamber/barrel it shoots very accurate and it never failed after more than 3-4000 shots through it.:)


New member
For me, I would say my 1911. I've had it since 1992 (its a 70 series) and I've kept in through thick and thin. I have a defender too, but the Government model is my favorite.