If you could choose just one of these rifles for deer


New member
Im getting to have a good collection of rifles that I would use for hunting purposes and am starting to debate with myself over which one to use for average deer hunting, to start I have a 7600 .243, 7600 .280, 760 30-06, A Bolt .270, 700 .243, 700 .280, 700 30-06. These are all set up with good glass and rings. I have some others that shoot just as well but am going to keep them in good collection shape so out of the ones listed what would you take. I want to take all of them but you cant do that. Also the A Bolt had a trigger job and was foated, All the 7600s had trigger jobs and the 700 30-06 was floated and bedded. Im leaning towards the stainless A Bolt .270


New member
Nothing wrong with any of them. I normally hunt with different rifles during the season but I'll probably stick to my new .243 Savage next year just because it has a plastic stock and most of my other guns are nice wood stock guns.

Though from our other little debate/disagreement, I'd probably pick the one that didn't have the POS Nikon on it.:D

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Whichever one you're most "married up with". If the majority of the shooting distance is inside of a couple of hundred yards, I'm partial to a .243, myself. When I hunt more in "way out there" possibilities, I go with my '06.


New member
Well, there ya go. Nothing wrong with the .280 at all.:D

BTW, is there a feature that you have to turn on or get permission for to use a quote? This is a little different set-up from other forums.


New member
well the way I would make my decision would be to figure in all the factors...such as the average range I expect to find targets..I grew up using a .223 caliber bold action ( old remington 78 sportsman )...and it was more than up to the task at 300 yards..and some could argue further but I wasn't comfortable shooting any further out of risk of wounding the animal ...the 30 caliber weapons such as 308 3006 300 winmag are plenty to go at a minimum of 500 yards..I have little experience with a 270 caliber weapon and have just a little more with the. 243 Cal...but having seen and field dressed many deer shot with the two weapons I can tell u that...243 is more than up for the task of killing a deer at 300 yards...then next would be accuracy of the rifles themselves..such as if the 270 is shooting .5 moa at 100 yards and 3006 is shooting 1 moa..I would choose the .270...for the simple fact of having a greater chance of hitting a smaller target at greater distances..( not 1000 yards or anthing like that )...and then at last the terrian in which I would be hunting..thick brush calls for a heavier caliber bullet and if it close distances u may want to consider a semi automatic weapon with low power glass...just food for thought...remington is my personal favorite...although there is nothing wrong with a browning...I just like the remington ..u can deck them out anyway u want to..both are good choices..I may have not answered your question..just something to consider...most of the information I have given here comes from personal experience..keep in mind I am only 19 no military experience....im sure u can find alot more knowledgeable people here....anyways..goodluck and good hunting :)

Double J

New member
Picking a deer rifle for where I live is easy. None.
But if I hunt in the hills of the upper Cumberland in Tennessee, the .243 is plenty. Deer there are little but distances can vary a lot.


New member
I currently use an 8mm so one of the 30-06 would do for me, but I have also used a .243 and liked it (an old Remington 742 BDL, of course then it was a new 742 BDL!) but the 30-06 can reach out several hundred yards if needed or do close in, so I like it a lot. Picked up a 742 30-06 for my son-in-law at the Atlanta gun show 2 years ago as a matter of fact. I like the Nikon 3x9 40 Prostaff scopes, use them on my 8mm.



New member
of all the rifles i own that i could use for deer, these are the ones i pick up first, a rem 7600 cabine 30-06 with a 2x7 leupold and a older rem 760 in 30-06 with open sights for bad weather and i have killed a pile of deer with both. eastbank.
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New member
So --- you want us to convince your wife you need a new rifle or what? Obviously you need something on an AR platform or you are just plain outgunned!


New member
No ARs for me, illegal to hunt with here and if I got a semi it would be a 10/22 or so to plink with. The 700 30-06 and the A Bolt .270 are the nicest guns out of them to look at as well as they both shoot real well. Maybe Ill work on some loads for those 2 and see which I can make shoot the best


New member
1-Which one has the best trigger (3 lbs or less);
2-Which one is the lightest-all up (scope, rings, bases, sling)
3-Which one is the shortest and has a LOP < 13"


New member
The 700 30-06 by far has the longest pull and probably is one of the lighest, comparable to the other 700 .243 much lighter than the A Bolt but the A Bolt has the best trigger, maybe Ill go and get the 700 lightened up a bit cause right now its around 4.5-5 from the factory. Id like to go to 3.5 or 4 for my hunting gun