If you could be a gun?

If you could be one handgun, what would it be and would you change anything about yourself (finish, grips, trigger pull). I had to ask that question because after some of the awe inspiring polls and theoretical questions, I felt it was time to join the ranks of the moronic...that being said, let's all try and keep a hold on reality and not give the anti-gunners more fodder to print out from our forum and pass around while laughing and shakig their heads......


New member
I suppose I'd want to be one of those .45-70 revolvers. Yes, the job is punishing, but you probably only work one day every two years.



Lady Smith - I'd rather spend life in a purse than be shoved in some dude's waistband.


New member
If I was a Handgun, I'd be totally screwed... 'cause none of my underwear would fit anymore!!


New member
I'd be a Glock 17, but I'd exchange the plastic frame with an aluminum alloy with rubber side panels(which could be replaced with plastic). My magazines would be made of steal. Using the alloy and steal mags I could be made thinner but the rubber/plastic sides would keep me at the size as a plastic Glocks. Though, I'd weigh a bit more.

At least dogs wouldn't be able to chew me up. ;)


Easy...mouse gun...put me in a bra holster and I'd be eternally happy... :cool: ...


Come on now...you knew it was coming....
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Lord Grey Boots

New member
Actually, I'd like to be one of those old field pieces in a town square by the veterans memorial.

Get to watch the world and the pretty girls walk by, and all the hard work would be in the past. Folks would come by once in a while and spruce me up a bit.


New member
I'd wanna be that pair of HK USP Match pistols strapped to Lara Croft :D

If I could change anything, I'd wanna be in a pair of shoulder holsters instead :D:D