If this rifle could talk....


New member
I would stay away from something as badly abused as that. Lord knows what was done to it that is not overly apparent.


New member
If this rifle could talk, what would she say?
If it could talk, it would say "That's him, Officer. The one with the grinder and the hammer with the silly grin on his face! He did this to me! Boo-hoo-hoo!"

Too bad so many people don't know what they are doing when they say "It'll just take me a second. Come on out to the garage."


New member
I don't have any inkling what the rifle would say... Frankly I am amazed that 12 people have bid on this thing for a current bid of $110! Maybe someone somewhere operates a rest-home for old, abused hunting rifles? They all just lean up against the wall under mounted trophies of elk and dall sheep telling tall tales about the sphincters who owned them and they deer they almost took with her?
my local smith will install a new barrel pretty cheaply, & has a big pile of take off barrels... if the rest of the rifle wasn't so well (ab) used I'd concider it, since I don't have pump rifle

maybe that rifle is telling everyone, it's original owner was tough as grits, ( & a bit thick headed ) & that he had taken more deer than he could count with that rifle, & it's owner slowly started losing his sight at about the same time as he retired & didn'thave the money to take care of it or buy new rings the last 15 years of hunting, but that 2nd or 3rd hand scope kept him shooting until he could no longer walk to the woods...

... or maybe it just belonged to a hillbilly who just tossed it behind his seat for years, using it only to finish off road kill ???

I'd probably buy it myself if it was local :eek: looks like it takes the same magazines as the semi auto, that was my father in laws "every year" deer hunting rifle, till he died


New member
Magnum Wheel Man, that's what I wondered too. I can see an old one-eyed-60-somethin' warrior with an airborne tattoo and a bottle of gin, grindin' that sight off to "make it work". And come November throwin' it into a 1980 F-150 passenger seat and headin' to a box stand down on a power line somewhere. This old 760 has probably killed more deer than the plague! :eek:


New member
I have collected "working guns" for years and this shows some honest use with the exception of bench grinder scope clearance solution. Once saw a man arc weld scope bases to 3 rifles. Once had a chance to own an 1894 rifle with a scope base welded to it. I grew up with old timers that did everything for themselves and some of their homemade solutions are close to criminal. There will be a hot seat in hell for a few of these do it yourselfers. Oh you should have seen the $20,000 Purdy side by side that had its barrels hacksawed off.


New member
Gee whiz! If that thing were a mammal, PETA, SPCA, & the Audubon Society would have its picture plastered on every bus in every major city decry the foul abuse humans are capable of inflicting on defenseless creatures!