If THIS is going to offend them...


New member
Wait til the bombing starts! Or will it?

"Enduring Freedom." --The Pentagon's new name for the initial phase of the war on terrorism, after Muslim complaints that only Allah can mete out "Infinite Justice." (www.Federalist.com)

So, if we're so worried about offending people that we have to play word games, how are we going to kill terrorists?


New member
Hoek, no one will benefit if the fragile alliance Bush is trying to build with other nations blows apart over an ill-chosen name for the op.

America can't go after these guys without coalition partnerships -- unless we really do want to spark WWIII, with America vs. the entire Muslim world. Personally I think that would be a Bad Thing.

Let 'em call it whatever they want. Just so long as they GET those b*stards.


Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit softly.--Theodore Roosevelt


New member
Kill em, hell I still haven't even figured out exactly who all they are. The .gov jumps at any scapegoat in the beginning, remember that police officer who was falsely accused of being the Olympic bomber ? They were ready to burn him @ the stake, ruined the guys life only to come out months later and exonerate him. I need further info from reliable ie. non governmental sources with convincing evidence beyond what has been dispersed before I can find a suspect that seems accurate. As it stands I cannot, and as the days pass the Taliban look less and less like the perpetrators, at least as a group, however there may well be splinter factions involved. But something is not adding up here IMO, your milage may vary.


New member
Infinite Justice?

If you didn't think "Infinite Justice" is inappropriate you shouldn't have a problem with simple words like operation "Towering Inferno" right? or how about operation "We're GOD"

We must be careful not to insult those who would be our friends.
This country has too many people with stupid ideas.

We can't do this alone. We won't do this alone. Western Europe has already cowed in fear of retalliation.

We'd better learn to play nice with the rest of the world or install front bumpers on all our remaining airliners.

There is a defined goal here and let's focus on that. Not a name that we don't understand the meaning of.


New member
Gonzo, my sentiments exactly. the boogie man may not be named osamah after all. The rewards for those that seek them have been plentiful & the institution of propaganda & laws that are too well orchestrated to be off the cuff. Whether or not we are the victim's of opportunist, or something more i do not know, but they had their plans well laid in advance for just this occasion, i do not wish to see the same opportunism used to destroy parties not involved under false pretense in order to advance a agenda of totalitarian rule, ie. UNify or die.


New member
That's what all the European and the US did the last 30 years. "We can't do anything unless we know for sure who the terrorist was. And when we know, we'll bring them to court".

The result? 2 mass murderers (Lockerbie) are sitting in a comfortable European prison; and an attack with at least 6,500 innocent people dead.

How many millions have to be slaughtered before we get rid of this "let's be friends to everybody?"

Don't you get that they hate us even (or because) we pay them billions and billions to help? The last 3 wars we fought were to rescue moslem countries (Kuweit, Bosnia, Somalia). Do they love us? NO, WE ARE THE GREAT SATAN!

Have you ever heard the phrase "ugly American"? Do you think that HAS changed because Clinton was around with the big checks for everyone?

This is no matter of the countries' security, IT IS A MATTER OF SURVIVAL, for heavens sake!

Rant off.