If the U.N. Was Really So Concerned....


New member
The U.N. is backing off of it's demand to investigate the alleged massacre in Jenin, supposedly due to Israeli refusal to let them in. I don't blame the Israelis for not wanting to play against a stacked deck. There are reports of the PA digging up a poor man who was 2 years dead to add to the 'mass grave.' Even the UNRWA is admitting that the number of dead is about 50 people or so and not in the hundreds as the PA is claiming.

They do not say, though whether any of those 50 were fighters or not. One would think that if the Israelis were as destructive as the U.N. would have you believe, some bullets would have hit some fighters. But no. Every dead Palestinian is a dead Palestinian, regardless of whether that Palestinian was involved in a firefight, or a Homicide Bomb. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Interesting to note, though that one of the key conditions the Israelis put forth for such a commission (which the U.N. balked at) was that it not only investigate the alleged massacre, but that it also investigate Palestinian terror emanating from a camp that the UNRWA administers. In the words of the Israelis, the camp is the chief source of Homicide Bombers and a virtual vipers nest of terrorism directed at Israeli civilians. How was all that being done under the noses of the U.N. unless they were aware and looked the other way?

And is Israel supposed to allow these very people to conduct an impartial investigation into a massacre that never was?

There are currently 4 Israeli soldiers being investigated by the IDF for purported looting of Palestinian property in the camp. I find it quite a contrast between the 2 sides. The Israeli side is prosecuting it's soldiers for not respecting Palestinian property while the PA sends out humans to destroy Israeli lives, property (and their own lives as well).

I sit here wondering when all the apologists for Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians will realize what is really going on there. It defies logic that anyone can still defend the PA or Yasser Arafat.

The Palestinians need a leader. Arafat is not that leader. Yet, to pacify the Saudis, the U.S. is committing to help rebuild the Palestinian Authority infrastructure. Shouldn't we do this only when a leader who is capable of leading these people in the right direction come forth? Otherwise, U.S. dollars go to funding a terror organization which will only strike at Israel. The Saudis are doing a fine job of that and we do not need U.S. dollars to do that.

I am also wondering, if the Palestinians really want peace, why do they support Arafat? Is there no one strong enough who wants peace in the Palestinian political pool?

How do we get out of the U.N.?



New member
Arafat cannot be a leader, the Israeli government has been undermining him for years. When the Israeli government is looking for somebody in Palestininian areas, they send in soldiers without even the pretense of asking. For the last several years, when they want to send a message, they specify which building to to clear out and destroy it. When there are talks to slow down the building of "settlements", the Isrealis keep on building them, during the talks.
So Arafat can only be seen as a puppet or ineffective.
As long as the Palestinians see themselves as being oppressed second class citizens, there will be fighting. If Palestinians who are willing to negotiate are minimalized (I am not specifying Arafat here), then there will be no peace.
The "right direction" to lead the Palestinians will probably be seen as the wrong direction by the Israelis.
The wonderful thing is that neither side will learn from the past. Each side will also refuse to see things from the other's viewpoint. People, each of whom have seen intolerance and injustice will commit the mistakes of the past.