If the MD shooter was in YOUR town...


New member
I know there are a lot of these threads, and I looked at several of them to see if this post could fit in... didn't see it, so...

There have been several reports on the news where police officials will show rifles, rifle cases, etc... and say "the sniper may have a rifle that looks like this. The sniper may carry his rifle in a case like this. The sniper may have an affinity for assault weapons" etc...

And then tonight, a handwriting "expert" says that his "I am God" note suggests he's a LEFTIE....

If this were happening in MY town, I GUARANTEE you I would ALREADY have been on the news as a "suspect" who was detained, questioned, and (hopefully) released....

I've got some of those guns, I've got some of those cases, I've got PLENTY of 5.56 ammo, and I'm a leftie...

Now, outside of the left handed part, just imagine how many of you good, law abiding folks here on TFL would have been "questioned" downtown for several hours, guns possibly confiscated, etc... because somebody at work, or next door, or down the street, or maybe even a distant Aunt, called the police and said "He's got one of those rifles, and carries it in one of those cases, and he's a gun nut". :eek:


New member
They would be by.........................

My town isn't even a mile squared! I AM THE GUN NUT! The police clerk cringes everytime she sees me because she knows more than likely it's for another one of those pistol permits. They would definitey stop by and visit Mr. Woodrow about it. I wouldn't mind as long as they don't mind talking through the screen door and NO you can't come in. You want me to come down to the police station? No problem. Let me call my lawyer and we will be down in an hour or so when he arrives.;)

Have a nice day officer.......................


New member
In my case, there is no need for anyone to call the local LEOs and inform them I have "one of those" rifles. The Sheriff autographed the Form 4 for my M16A1, among others. He also gets a nice letter every time I renew my C&R because I must notify him by law, so he has a good idea that I have more than just a few guns. And as of about 3 months ago, my step-brother works for him as a rookie deputy sheriff.

No need to worry and be paranoid over what *might* happen, especially since you have no control over it.


New member
And then tonight, a handwriting "expert" says that his "I am God" note suggests he's a LEFTIE....

That would be one explanation for why he's able to shoot from within a vehicle without sticking the muzzle out of the window, and then scoot off so fast.

In other words, he's sitting in the driver's seat and shooting out of the passenger side window.

Ok, sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread.

I have no idea how local law enforcement would react. I think it would be unlikely that they'd come knocking on my door.


If he was in AZ, he would have already been caught, or shot.

Here in AZ we all got guns, and we don't need no STINKIN! permit.


David Park

New member
Waterdog, we got guns here in VA too, and it hasn't helped so far. Don't fool yourself, this guy's M.O. makes him hard to catch. :(


New member
Agreed. I don't think they have a good physical description of the shooter. If you can't get close enough for a description, you are not going to be close enough to get get a shot off. At least not with a hand gun.

Ed Brunner

New member
If he were here...

He would likely be draped across the hood of a hugeass 4X4.
It's hunting season for deer, but OPEN SEASON on terrorists.


New member
Crazed sniper loose in Tippecanoe County, Indiana?

All 12+ groups of our various SRTs (east side, west side, state, county, et al) would be going up and down. "Oh, boy, we FINALLY get to do something!" I would not leave my basement. :eek:


New member
Everyone has guns around here. If you don't, then you might be considered a suspicious person.

I don't know for sure what would happen, and the sheriff probably wouldn't approve, but I imagine there would be several hundred armed guys out scouring the area looking for him or her.

If a kid got shot, it might lead to a lynching ........ :)

Baba Louie

New member
Guess it'd be about time to call out the old "Neighborhood Watch Volunteer Militia", organize on a county-wide level and go huntin'. Communication equipment, liason with local po-po, but maybe we'd have to forgo the nasty "black" rifles in favor of lever-action, Americana Win94 (or we could paint the black rifles white...good guys always wear white hats don't they?)

If that happened here in Las Vegas... ghost town I'd bet, at least down where the tourists like to play.

He (they) have got to live somewhere, they've got to be seen by someone.

Cowboys and Indians all over again. Just who is the playing the part of whom?

Everybody better plan on it happening in a location near you.



New member
As I was leaving the Wal-Mart Supercenter yesterday I looked up at the blue sky, took a big breath, and remembered that none of us is promised tomorrow. That being said, I am thankful that we are not dealing with that here or where my youngest is living.


New member
Waterdog, we got guns here in VA too, and it hasn't helped so far.

Here? Holy cow, after the first shot at someone at a gas station, ALL the pickups on the street would have pulled over, pulled the rifles off the racks behind the seat and obliterated the "white box-truck". THEN, the cops would have pulled up and roped off the poor "sniper's" riddled carcass.
I don't think that the Washington area of Virginia is ANYTHING like East Texas, thank God.


New member
it is happening in my town

AND IT SUCKS MAJOR MONKEY A$$ :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

So far my son's entire soccer season has been canceled as have all of the outdoor activities planned at his preschool and at church. If anyone knows how to explain to a 4 year old that there's a Jacka$$ with a rifle running around making everything F*&^ed up, and NOT give him nightmares for the next 10 years please tell me. I'm not sure how much longer I can hold this one off. He's well aware of what guns are, and knows what a sniper is.
I'm kinda suprise that they haven't come around trying to ask all shooters, at least those with ARs, if you believe the news. Of course I own a H-Bar so it's not "regulated" in MD anyway. If they cops show up I know I've been sold out.


Dave Bean

New member
Whoever these guys are, they picked the perfect area. MD and DC area, known for being progressively anti-gun. So many unarmed liberals, so little time (no disrespect to those who passed)

I would like to see these guys do the same thing in the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area (or any part of Texas...or Arizona...or Nevada). They would have to worry about the locals more than LEO. If the locals catch them, there would be enough body parts left to do a DNA match....maybe.

Hey...here's any idea. Why doesn't the media just report that San Francisco and New York City are also very anti-gun. Maybe this/these guy(s) will get the hint and explore other parts of the country. And people in those areas will finally get a clue.



New member
No need to worry and be paranoid over what *might* happen, especially since you have no control over it
:confused: Worry? It was just a mildly amusing reality that crossed my mind, so I thought I'd share it with those in a similar situation. Depends on where you live, and where you work.

3/4 the folks at work think I'm a "gun nut", the other 1/4 have gone shooting with me, but I have cooler toys..... sometimes they talk.


New member
luckily I don't have anything that shoots a round as small as a 5.56mm, in fact I think my smallest caliber is my .30-30 :D

if it was gonig on in my town I'd set up a neighborhood militia, high tech style, I've got enough small, wireless cameras to cover my entire block and enough hard drive space to record 24/7 for about a week straight, 6 months if I compress the video.