if the government offered to pay you?


New member
pennsylvania did a gun buy program awhile back and heard they were going to do it again. $25.00 per gun no questions asked. just to get them off the streets. alot of what i saw what cheap busted up POS . but for $25.00 WTH. that was pennsylvania. what would you do

if the government said we want to buy all your firearms from you . we will pay you the value of the firearms. or double? no questions asked no name or signature needed either.

would you sell them?

and after you sold, if you did would you buy more firearms?


New member
Yes I would sell some and use that money to buy others
Same as I do when I list them for sale to regular people


New member
I'd wonder why the government was trying to buy my property, for a dirt cheap lowball price, with my (from taxes) money and then convince me that it's somehow made me quite a financial deal.


New member
The going rate is up to $100 in some cities. Down here, it is typically a $50 Walmart gift card that they give out. You used to be able to buy worthless non-firing junk pistols for next to nothing. With these "buy back programs", now even the worst POS gun is worth the amount of the buy back.


New member
$25 is very low. Typically, I see $50 offers or vouchers for a new pair of sneakers. No, I would not sell any gun that functions for $25.


New member
You don't have this scenario worked out very well.
If government was willing to pay twice the replacement cost I'd be silly not to sell. Then buy a replacement or an improvement.
There's only one gun in the family that has sentimental value and I think being able to sell it and get a museum quality example of the same rifle would be fine with everyone.


Every gun they manage to buy "off the streets" is one more success story for Sarah Brady. Why the hell would you want to do that for fifty bucks?


New member
i am sorry buzzcook. what did do wrong?


You don't have this scenario worked out very well.
If government was willing to pay twice the replacement cost I'd be silly not to sell. Then buy a replacement or an improvement.
There's only one gun in the family that has sentimental value and I think being able to sell it and get a museum quality example of the same rifle would be fine with everyone.


In a "free" state, I would set up a table across the street. If they were offering $50 each, I'd offer $60 and pick the best ones for myself. Send the junk across the street.


New member
Price is driven by supply and demand....if the government were to corner the market by buying guns, the fear of a short supply would kick in and prices would skyrocket. This would lead to hoarding and inflated values.....eventually the state would be in a bidding war against gun owners....the state would lose.

The thought of the government using our tax money to buy our guns makes as much sense as buying french fries to keep America thin.


New member
The only guns being turned in for those prices are prob pieces of crap. Do you have to fill out paperwork? What if one of these guns is red hot..like a murder gun?


New member
i am sorry buzzcook. what did do wrong?

It's just that the government buying guns isn't a bad thing in and of itself. As long as firearms are available to replace to ones you sell and the purchase price is attractive enough to make you want to sell.

I dislike governments buying guns for a couple reasons.
One because it is a purely symbolic gesture which achieves no real goals
Two because by removing firearms from the market place it artificially raises the cost of firearms and subsidizes the firearms industry.

Personally though I have no problem profiting from a government program I disagree with.


New member

I'd stand in the parking lot, small wad of bills in hand, and try to score some sweet deals by offering folks just a little more than .gov for things that look interesting/serviceable.
I'd also take in some junkers/gunsmith specials that I have and make some $$$.
Sure their buying it back with my tax money, but it's tax money going into my pocket and not some legislator's pet project to save the hippies or some such.:cool:


New member
like i typed in the starting thread humanoid

no questions asked no name or signature needed either.

they don't want to know who you are. they want to pay you for your guns and let you be on your way. thats all

the gun or guns could have been used for a murder robbery execution style killing. don't matter to them they don't want to know who you are or your name to try to pin it on you. they just want to buy yours guns.