If only one life ...

Dave P

New member
Calif. Kids Accused in Mom's Death

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (AP)--A 17-year-old boy and his 12-year-old half-sister have been arrested on suspicion of killing their mother because she wouldn't let the girl go to a party.

Police said the two allegedly smashed Francisca Comparan, 43, in the head with a frying pan, then strangled her with an extension cord Friday. Her body was found stuffed in an outdoor storage closet.

The investigation began after the Comparan's sister reported her missing. Bakersfield Police went to the victim's apartment Monday, where they talked to the 12-year-old girl and discovered the body.

Police said Comparan was killed because she refused to let the girl accompany her brother to a party.

The girl was arrested at the family home Tuesday morning. Her brother, a student at Bakersfield High, was later arrested when he was found driving the mother's car.

The names of the boy and girl have not been released because of their ages. Police said there are no other suspects in the case.


New member
maybe it was the frying pan upside the head that killed her. maybe it was the strangling. i dont know. i'm not a doctor. but i can tell you what DIDNT kill her: a gun! thats because strict gun control laws work (read: kill).


New member

I was telling my wife that what really gets me going about gun control is that the Anti's really think it will change anything. can't they see that it will not change a darn thing!!!!! If a person wants another person dead, they are going to find a way to get the deed done! How long before we start carrying swords and cutlasses again?


New member
If only one life.....ban children. You'll never see another child become victim to guns or drugs. You'll never see them become delinquents or cause havoc. Pretty soon there will be no worry about test scores, and even the population problem. So we must ban children....it's for the CHILDREN!