If I was to sell one...which one?

Eric Larsen

New member
Depending on "things" I may be putting one of these little snubs on the auction block. I am at a loss. I know I can and will always be buying more guns...but presently if it comes down to this decision...I cant decide which one to keep and let go............

Please no "dont sell either" comments...that is my goal..this is just in case.

Thanks again and shoot well


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Eric Larsen

New member
The wood gripped monster is a Lady Smith 2" 357...Brand new....
Never been fired.......
The Ruger is a clean second owner....I dont want to sell either but may have to sell one of them.
What are you guys offering....email me...if your serious.
Shoot well


New member
Lets Go to the range right now, but bring only one gun to shoot, i'll wait while you go get it.



OK you've got the gun, sell the other one

Eric Larsen

New member
Ill get into my confusion alittle deeper...
The Ruger is a tank, I only shoot 357's thru it (all snubbies) I like the fact that it will out live my grandkids with proper care. Its a quality gun....accurate as hell...probably will get a trigger job if kept.
The Smitty is just down right PERDY....wood grip and the trigger is just like " an old broken in smitty" is....perfect. I know its not the tank the Ruger is...but its a trade off. A little lighter than the SP, But neither is a pocket gun...always IWB carry...so weight isnt an issue.


jjmorgan64....sorry. Impossible, I cant bring just one! :D

Shoot well


New member
The S&W will be worth more money in the long run, especially if its a pre-agreement gun without an integral lock.

The prices for no-lock used S&W's havent gone up yet, but I think it will happen.

Eric Larsen

New member
I would tend to agree the smith is worth more as new...and it has the lock. Oh well...what can we do...anyway.
The Ruger does have the Crimson Laser grip and it works like a charm. Im sure this increases the value a bit..the retail for a little over 200$. But well see what happens...thanks for the info.
Shoot well


New member
As a general rule, I think that Smith triggers are better than Ruger triggers. I'd get rid of the Ruger unless you shoot it better.


New member
I say get rid of the Smith.

2 Reasons...

1) I don't enjoy shooting magnums out of a J frame.

2) I don't like the lock.

If the Smith was a .38, and no lock, I'd pick it over the Ruger. I don't like the balance or the recoil of the new .357 J-frames.


New member
Eric, here is a thought:

It sounds like you are making some personal choices here.

While I'm not really looking for another CCW revo, hard to say no to one of those at a reasonable deal. Particularly from a respected TFL fellow like you, who clearly knows & cares for his guns.

So come up with your version of a reasonable offer for either (slight preference for the Smith but NBD), then PM me an offer that is reasonably less than that.

I'll on the other hand commit to letting you buy it/them back within 60 days for the same low price you've offered me. You pay shipping (one or both ways).

No, I'm not a pawn shop :). But I'll take a good gun at a fair price pretty much anyday. This may be a creative solution for you until that "thing" you mention happens (or doesn't).

Or, just ignore this message and sell one to another TFL'r, whatever works best for your personal situation.

Best of luck!

Eric Larsen

New member
I appreciate the offer....just may take you up on it.

Ill see how the "thing" plays out....lots of great advice.
Everyone who emailed me..thanks again.

Shoot well