If I Owned Ruger


New member
Here's what I would look into doing if I somehow became the owner and boss of Ruger.

-Issue and official apology for the behavior of Bill Ruger Sr. regarding his comments on the magazine capacity ban, and state that the "New" Ruger is 100% on the side of the gun owners, as without them, we'd be out of business anyway.

-Work deals with the Gun Owners of America, offering free one year memberships with the purchase of a Ruger firearm. Donate money from profits to GOA, JPFO, NRA, and local groups.

-Take a good look a the production line, see what's selling, what isn't, and post around on places like TFL, asking what people would like to see.

-As for the firearms, I think these are some of the things I'd look into doing and, if deemed profitable, I'd do 'em:

I'd start with the Mini-14 and Mini-30. Production of the current and Ranch models would be halted (though support and parts would remain) and retooling of the machines would be done, to answer consumer demands on the problem with finding good magazines, accuracy, flimsy sights, etc. The new Mini-14A2 and Mini-30A2 would have the following improvements:

-AR-style, adjustable rear peep sight, protected by stout wings.
-AR-style, adjustable front sight, protected by stout wings.
-Heavier, AR-15A2 width barrel, for better accuracy.
-The flipper magazine release would be enlarged for ease of operation.
-The Mini-14A2 would accept all M16 magazines, and the Mini-30A2 would take all standard AK magazines and drums.
-Non pistol gripped models would be offered with a flash suppressor, where legal.

After the retooling was completed, hopefully the increased sales of the weapon would make up for the expense of the retooling. If so, I'd shoot for a suggested retail price of $500 or less. For the price of a current Ranch Rifle, you'd get much better weapon.

Next, I'd turn my attention to the Ruger No. 1. A great, solid rifle. The primary improvement I'd do to it would be to glass-bed the stock at the factory, and free-float the barrel, to get the out-of-the-box accuracy on par with that of the bolt guns.

The Deerfield 99/44 semiauto carbine would be offered with a proprietary 10-shot detachable box magazine.

The Ruger PC-9 carbine would be redesigned with a lighter, pistol grip stock (think Carbon-15 type stock) and would accept standard Uzi magazines instead of Ruger 9mm pistol mags.

Ruger's lever rifles would be discontinued. I think they're just silly.

On to the handguns.

First, I'd make a P90 variant in 10mm, as it was originally designed for. Perhaps if more guns were available in 10mm, the popularity of the cartridge would increase. I'd probably have a 9 round single stack magazine.

A P94 in .357 Sig would be marketed if it would be profitable.

As for the revolvers, the only additions I can think of would be as follows:

-A GP-100 in .41 Magnum. I believe the frame is large enough for six .41 Magnum rounds. If not, the round would be chambered in a Redhawk instead.

-A Redhawk .45ACP/.45 Super, and maybe a 5-shot compact in .45ACP. The large frame gun would be rated for .45 Super strength, and could handle being hotloaded. Perhaps I'd even make the chamber long enough for .460 Rowland and .45 Win Mag, like the Dan Wesson 460.

-Ruger Redhawks would be offered in a 4", full underlug "mountain gun" configuration.

-A GP-100 in 10mm/.40S&W, if the cartridge would fit into the GP-100 frame. If not, I'd put it in a Redhawk. A 10mm/.40 5 shot compact would be marketed as well.

Okay, that's my take. Is there a particular Gun Company you'd like to take over, and what would you do with it if you did?


New member
Perhaps you should apply for a job with Sturm, Ruger, and Company and work your way to the top. :D

I like your ideas! I would LOVE to have a 10 mm semiauto from Ruger, and I would also like to have a Redhawk manufactured in the "mountain gun" configuration.

BTW, the last time I heard, the "Old Man", as I've heard him called, was in poor health. Anyone know any updates on his condition? Did he die and I somehow miss the news?

Jim March

New member
Take the Super Redhawk, put the smaller round-butt GP100 grip on it, chop the barrel down to 3", run fixed sights, and set it up as an eight-shot .357Mag with moon clips :D.

OHHH ya. More accurate than the Taurus 608, way cheaper (with better QC) than the S&W "Performance Center" 8-shooters.

Oh, and the leverguns would be able to take that same 10rd .44Mag clip off of the Deerfield, which would make them a damned sight less silly than they are now.
Adopt S&W's system of inventory control. This will reduce the surplusage of guns that don't move and will improve cash flow.

Introduce a 40 cal polymer frame pistol.

Redesign all the hammers on the DA revolvers so they're easier to use in the SA mode (put some curve into those flat surfaces).

Do a limited run of 12 pdr smoothbore cannons for Civil War reenactors and the average American who always wanted a cannon as a kid. :p


New member
Ruger lever guns are popular in nations where semi automatic firearms are illegal.

Ruger .44 levers are popular bush rifles here, as the Deerfield models are incredibly expensive. .44 levers are also popular as the base for suppressed conversions.

Savage 99's built again under the Ruger label, would be a good seller in Australia, Canada, or other nations where semi automatic's are either illegal or not "pc for sporting purposes".

I'd suggest tweaking the trigger pull on the 10/22 models, but that would require hiring a lot of liability lawyers.


New member
Ruger needs to focus on quality control first. Their current quality control is pathetic. If Ruger improves quality control, they won't have so many customers (such as myself) sending guns back to them for repair.

Now, as far as Ruger firearms:

I think Ruger should offer the Redhawk in .357 magnum and .41 magnum again, as well as the current chamberings.

Offer a 7-shot GP 100.

Put adjustable sights on the 3" GP 100.

Provide us with production stainless Blackhawk convertible models in .45 ACP/.45 Colt. Also offer the .357/9mm convertibles in stainless.

Offer the adjustable sight Bisleys in stainless.

Redesign all the P-series pistols. They are ugly, bulky, and have less than desirable ergonomics, and fit/finish.

Offer a .357 magnum Deerfield semi-auto carbine (those of us that shoot .357 magnum should have a rifle to go with our Ruger revolvers).

Make the PC9/PC40 in .45 ACP, call it the PC45. Redesign it so the ergonomics and accuracy is better than it is currently on PC9s and PC40s.

Discontinue the Mini-14/Mini-30. They are inaccurate and frankly overpriced for what they provide.

Redesign from scratch a semi-auto rifle series in the following chamberings: .223, .243, .308, and .30-'06. Accuracy should be on par with competitor semi-auto rifles (example Browning BAR). Offer such rifles with sythetic frames.

ALL rifles should come with TWO 10 shot magazines. One 5 shot magazine is a joke!

Offer affordable pump action and semi-automatic shotguns in 12 gauge, 20 gauge, and 28 gauge.

Thats my suggestions, for now. :)


New member
Ruger is dead to me, and S&W is too. Since the NRA is clearly back in bed with S&W, and lying about the agreement's current status, they'll be dead to me soon too I suspect.

It's hard to really top Skunkabilly's reply though ;)


New member
I would like to see a 5 or 6 shot 44 spec. in a GP100.

I agree, on the condition that it was chambered specifically for .44 spl +p. I'd want the option to use hot defensive .44 spl loads often, without worrying about hurting the gun.


New member

Ruger is alive and well in my home, at least the guns are.
I own 2 P-Series the P90 and the P89.
You can keep your little pocket guns you can have your thin little money draining 1911 types , when I grab my weapon I like the feel of something in my hand other than my darn fingers wraping around and touching my wrist because the gun is so small or thin. You guys keep those others I will support Ruger for a long time, love the handguns, carry mine CCW all the time.


New member
I happen to be a Ruger fan with a 10/22 and a Red Label. Love them both and feel that they are well made guns, disregarding the 10/22 trigger which I am going to fix. I do wish Ruger would come out with a pump shotgun. Pumps are inherently reliable and are extremely popular:)


New member
If I owned ruger, Mini14s would be reduced in price by $75-100 and would each come with two 10 round mags and two 5 round mags. Mini30 would be changed to take standard AK magazines.


george miller

New member
i own several rugers

223 m77,ruger 22 auto pistol,357 mag vaquero,redhawk in 44 mag.they work ok for me.my only gripe is the mini 14.5 round factory magazine..if youre only getting 5 shots then get a m77,much more accurate(or pay 80-150 bucks for 1- 30 round factory mag..dont think so)