If I move to your area, from PRK, will I have a hard time?


New member
I doubt I will be getting out for some time, but I wonder.

I hear people talk about all the Californyans moving to ID and TX and how they just want to remake the area in the image of CA.

Do conservative, God fearin, gun ownin Californians have a hard time integrating into these areas?

I hear that in TX, you are basically a second class citizen if you werent born there...

Is it just the granola eatin tree huggers that have a hard time?

Tell me...


New member
I'd say it would depend.

IF you came in in a pickup, say, or sedan maybe (not a volvo or SUV or other "yuppie" car), and if you looked and acted more like a good ol' boy than a granola type or ultra soft techie (or hard-arse survivalist, for that matter)... you'll prolly be fine. Especially if you put that NRA sticker on your rig before you cross the border. :p

Also, trying not to settle in the new subdivisions, getting the CA plates off your rig as soon as humanly possible, and otherwise trying not to "fit the profile" would help.

Of course, it all depends on the subculture you're interested in, as well. There's a sizable home-grown granola contingent I've found, who'ld prolly welcome like minds... just like anywhere else.. find your niche, and you'll do fine, I'd bet.

Hrmm.. to be totally honest, I'd bet the greater part of the "Oh God, not more Californians!" voices are from those who spent some time under the wire in the PRK and don't like to see it following 'em. (like YT) ;)



New member
As with most things, the more you try to become a part of the community that you moved in to, the easier you will have it. If you are going to try to force a lifestyle that you enjoy on a bunch of people who don't, they'll let you know. It's up to you how much you want to deal with that.


New member
Pendragon, the jobs pay half (or less), but you are more than welcome in Utah! :)

I'm a California refugee myself, and I have heard lots of crap like that, usually from people who don't have a clue. But forget them. The only problem is when you are looking for property and the people selling see the Cali plates on your car. You can see the dollar signs appearing in their eyes.


New member
ultra-soft techie - lol

well, I don't have a truck - I drive a Mustang, hopefully thats 'merican enough ;)

I would be pretty bummed if I went from being the right wing nut in CA to everyone thinking I was the Californyan froot-loop weirdo in some other place.

Actually, I was born in OR and spent a lot of time camping and fishing in Eastern OR when I was a kid - spent 5 years in Alaska too so beneath my "ultra-soft techie" appearence is an outdoors man struggling to get out...

Funny - when I was a kid, I lived in a small town in CA near the Oregon border - we had like 5,000 (five thou) people in my town, so when I went to stay at my grand parents who lived in a town of 1,028 people, all the kids thought I was from a big city and they called me a "city slicker" - funny now, but I didn't like it at the time :D


New member
Move out to TN. We welcome refugees from many areas, including escapees from Communist dictatorships, such as the one you are fleeing.


New member
If you're a displaced Oregonian come on back and displace some of these californios that have been moving here like crazy the last 10 - 15 years.


New member
Some people up the block from me just moved into the "hood", a few months ago from Cali.

They look like the average Cali yuppies. :(


New member
Here in NC we pretty much ignore west coast refugees. Ever since we bought all your banks there has been a steady stream of postpaid refugees. They look out of place for a short time but then learn to lay back and relax. No laws about how fast to get the CA, OR, WA plates off the car. They seem to integrate into polite society fairly well. Why, rumor has it there has been some inter-marriage and interbreeding.

We try to keep west coast cysts from developing. If you are not a bed wetting liberal then social acceptance is high just about everywhere except around Chapel Hill and Durham. If you are a BWL, then those two cities are made for you.
My brother-in-law just moved down there in August. Got an update from him this past weekend. Said he found his favorite store. He was going to a boot shop to buy work boots. He walks in and a pretty blonde asks him if he'ld like a beer. How's that for hospitality.


New member
I also patiently wait until I can leave the PRK to Red Davis, lord of the paste eaters and the rest of his lala land fools.

I have ins in TEXAS too! first generation non Texan. Fortunately we are made and not born thus I survived the leftist programming that my birth in SanFrisco afforded me :D


Staff Emeritus
That's only true of good ole boys! With gals, it's a whole 'nother story! ;)


Thanks for conjurin' up that ole Texas thread.
Made my eyes leak some, shore 'nuff.


New member
If The Blow Hard State won't take you come north just a little. The fact of the matter is, if you are from Cali, you probally have a little Okie blood in you anyways. We always have a spot for relatives; well, most of them.


Staff Emeritus
Let's see now... north of the Blow Hard State....

Well, right next door, on the north side would be Kansas. :rolleyes:

Bob Locke

New member
C'mon over to northern Colorado!

You can help offset the huge number of tree-hugging loonies we've gotten from Cali in the last several years!


New member
What Mikul said.

Also, Mustangs are ok, but you also are going to need a 4 wheel drive to really get around.

Dave R

New member
Idahoans are also very tolerant of refugees from socialist dictatorships like CA.

If you renounce socialism, and support RKBA and states rights, you will fit right in.

Unfortunately, if you retain your socialist leanings, you will also fit right into east Boise, Sun Valley and Moscow. Seriously, there is a Moscow in Idaho and it is home to a typical socialist university.


New member
Drizzt, thanks for that old thread, one of my personal favorites.

Things to do as soon as you get to Texas:
As Drizzt said, get Texas plates for the car.
Get a "I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could' bumper sticker.
Consider a Texas flag or Texas longhorn window sticker.
Learn a little Texas history on your way here.