If carry is a right-

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New member
Assume Peruta and/or others make their way through the court system, the Supreme Court takes a case (eventually) and decides that carry (in some fashion) is indeed a right (and incorporated against the States) what happens then?

In states with unlicensed open carry, likely nothing, I believe.

In states that prohibit or license open carry as well, can a State require a license at all for Concealed Carry without freeing up Open Carry?

Assuming a repeat nod to "Sensitive Places" will they be required to provide a buffer zone, and a "Gun check girl" at locations you may get summoned to by the government without the ability to decline? i.e. Courthouse entrances for people under subpoena or summons (i.e. traffic court, jury duty).

How much legislative fall out do you think there will be, and will it occur all at once, at a slow but steady trickle, slowly at first building speed?

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Isn't this really very premature? Unless the SCOTUS actually determines such and we can read the nuances of such a right - I just see this as pie in the sky speculation.

Thus, I'm going to close this. When it happens - let's seen then.
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