If both OC and CC is/were an option, which of the following best applies to you:

If both OC and CC is/were an option, which of the following best applies to you:

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Coyote Blue

New member
I saw this interesting poll on another gun forum and asked the OP if I could start it on another site. He graciously gave his permission.

All comments and votes are appreciated.:)

Remember to vote as if you were living in a state where both options were possible.

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New member
The only place I don't carry concealed is at the gun club. The only reason I open-carry there is because I don't have to explain myself or the handgun to people.


New member
I do live in a state with both open and concealed carry.

I am going to eventually get my carry permit, probably sometime after getting a Ruger SR9C. If I carry off the property I plan to carry concealed. On our property for the time being, I carry open because concealing a 6" Taurus Tracker is about impossible and I feel no reason to hide that I am carrying a gun on my own property where it really does not matter.

I don't need to show off that I am carrying. I would rather not even bother people with people having to think about me carrying a gun.

I think most people feel the same way because it is not something I see a lot of, and getting your carry permit in Georgia is a pretty simple process. I am sure that there are many that carry, I just don't know notice because they don't give reason to notice.


New member
So, are you asking what people do now, or what they would like to do under the conditions you set out?

I don't carry concealed or open, but I do plan to get a permit to carry concealed in the future.


New member
I might occasionally OC if circumstances were right, but mostly CC to be more discreet. I just wish Texas allowed OC to make accidentally exposing less of a concern.

Evan Thomas

New member
The only place I have any interest in carrying openly is in the woods, when I'm hunting. Otherwise, no. I don't draw attention to myself if I can avoid it.


New member
I might occasionally OC if circumstances were right, but mostly CC to be more discreet. I just wish Texas allowed OC to make accidentally exposing less of a concern.

I CC in TX too & I agree with KMAX...


New member
I live in ok and have been carrying open since nov 1st (when it became legal) I have gotten a few looks but the only talk ive gotten from folks have been positive. however I don't dress like rambo lol. I think if more responsible people open carried it would not be that big of a deal. I am very clean cut and well dressed and go out of my way to be polite and respectfull. I see it as an opportunity to break the sterotype, I am usually with my family kids etc. and I want to change peoples perception of the dumb redneck gun nuts.


New member
I just wish Texas allowed OC to make accidentally exposing less of a concern.
This is the real reason some states allow OC. When the wind blows your jacket open, shirt gets caught on the gun butt,etc. Some states that will get you arrested.

Spats McGee

I could see myself OCing around my place, my parents' place, or in rural areas. As I am an urban dweller, though, CC would be the rule rather than the exception.


New member
Open carry would be beneficial to me because of my job. I work outside, spend a lot of time on ATV or side by side.

The store where we purchase our fuel is no more than 10 minutes down the road, it would be nice not to have to take off my revovler every time I go to fill up one of the camp vehicles or have to run to Home Depot.

Once, accidentally, I walked into Wal-Mart in my work uniform(green dungaree pants and an olive short sleeve shirt) with my revovler still on my belt, and a little girl said something to her mother(they were behind me in line) and her mother replied "That it was okay. He's a game warden."


YouTube Yo-Yo; mouth-piece...

I held a valid CC license where I live from 2002-2007. I had a firearm with me about 20% of the time.
I'd OC in my area about the same. I'm not going to be a "YouTube Yo-Yo" or run about engaging others in 2A issues or gun laws as some gun owners choose to do.
As a uniformed security officer I'd have citizens or visitors ask me about gun laws/weapons but I'm sure working cops(sworn LE officers) get that all the time.

As posted in other topics, I like the element of surprise, ;) .


Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
For me, "open carry" would mean not having to make absolutely, positively, unquestionably certain that no one would ever see my gun under any circumstances. I would rarely, if ever, "open" carry but I would carry in more comfortable ways (OWB) with more clothing options.


New member
I live in AZ - both options are open to me without permit, license or any other government permission slip. :cool: 99% of the time I conceal, but there are times I will open carry - we've had open carry here for over 100 years, since we became a state, and it's pretty unremarked upon, except by tourists from Joisey.


New member
I'm no longer able to hunt or hike due to age and health problems. It's barely conceivable I might carry openly when fishing, but highly unlikely. I live in a shall-issue, castle-doctrine, stand-your-ground, legal-open-carry state. I also live in a metro area of about a million people. Keeping a low profile and not answering questions suit me very well. I've carried concealed daily for over fifteen years, since soon after it became legal here.


I have absolutely no use for OC and find the concept (except when hunting) to be somewhat juvenile - seems like a lot of folks want to play "Hey, look at me, I have a gun" and that has no place anywhere


New member
I CC most of the time for convenience(no issues with stores etc and being asked to leave), but either is an option and no one really blinks an eye at OC here.


New member
I have absolutely no use for OC and find the concept (except when hunting) to be somewhat juvenile - seems like a lot of folks want to play "Hey, look at me, I have a gun" and that has no place anywhere
Thank you so much for the gratuitous insult. :) Here in Arizona, (a cowboy state, if you will) ,we have people who carry openly all the time, and it is not something people worry or fret about - we've been doing it for, as I stated, over 100 years. This dates back from the Territorial Days, as it wasn't "Hey, look, I have a gun", but a normal everyday article of every day wear that most people utilized, such as a buggy whip or a skate key might have been back in the various day. For many AZ residents today it is exactly the same way, a convenient method of carrying a defensive sidearm that is both legal and practical, and trust me - most of the ones I have met are anything BUT "juvenile". :)
You are most certainly welcome to your opinions and point of view, and your different approach enriches the debate. :D