idiot in Idaho


New member

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Charges pondered in shooting
Accidental gunshot seriously injured sleeping neighbor, but intent key to additional charges

Angie Gaddy - Staff writer

POST FALLS _ A Post Falls woman remained in intensive care Monday while police pondered whether they could charge the man who accidentally shot her last weekend.

Tara Ranae LaCelle, 20, was sleeping in her apartment at 1513 E. Third when her neighbor accidentally shot a gun into the wall separating their apartments, police said.

Shatana Shawn Pole, 22, who lives in the three-apartment complex, was arrested Saturday after he admitted he accidentally fired the .357-caliber revolver, police said.

He was booked into Kootenai County Jail on suspicion of obstructing officers after he first tried to hide the fact that the gun went off, said Post Falls Police Capt. Jim Simmerman.

Post Falls detectives are meeting with Kootenai County prosecutors this week to discuss the possibility of other charges.

LaCelle's boyfriend called police around 3:40 a.m. Saturday after LaCelle woke up and told him she couldn't feel her legs, Simmerman said.

Her boyfriend told police he reached over and felt her back, which had blood on it. A bullet had entered LaCelle's arm and side and lodged in her spinal cord, Simmerman said.

Police said doctors told them LaCelle may never walk again, but her health status was unclear Monday, said Kootenai Medical Center spokesman Mike Regan.

LaCelle was in KMC's intensive care unit.

Pole told police he had been drinking heavily Friday night and was handling the revolver when it accidentally fired.

While Pole has been charged with obstructing officers and has posted $300 bail, detectives are still looking at the possibility of other charges.

"Unless someone dies from something like that, we have few options," Simmerman said.

Prosecutors must prove intent for many charges, and in this case, it appears Pole didn't mean to discharge the weapon, Simmerman said.

The only other option could be discharging a firearm in the city limits, which is a misdemeanor, he said.

Neighbors said Pole's apartment was known for wild parties. That night, it appeared residents had been drinking heavily, neighbors said.

Isn't there a "criminal stupidity" law on the books somewhere?


"A cement mixer collided with a prison van on the Kingston Pass. Motorists are asked to be on the lookout for 16 hardened criminals." -- Ronnie Corbett


Staff Alumnus
Least the guy had the stones to admit that he screwed the pooch.

Pax, if stupidity was a criminal offense, Washington would have the highest vacancy rate in the country. ;)


New member
Coinneach, I must disagree with you on this one. I don't think the guy admitted anything:

Pole told police he had been drinking heavily Friday night and was handling the revolver when it accidentally fired.

That's BS. In my experience guns don't go off by themselves, and that's what this guy is implying. He loaded it, intentionally, cocked it, intentionally, and was so drunk he put his finger into the trigger guard, intentionally, firing the weapon. The only other reasonable explanation would be that he pulled the trigger through its double-action cycle.

I don't mean to rant but it is statements like this guy's that lead the uninformed to believe that guns are dangerous, instead of people.



Jack 99

New member
He's probably safe from serious criminal prosecution. A civil suit probably wouldn't do much good either since this schmuck probably doesn't have 2 nickels to rub together.

If only we could tax stupidity, we could get rid of the income tax.