Identity chip raises privacy concerns


New member
This could be embedded into any firearms as well...,,s2090580,00.html

Identity chip raises privacy concerns
14:48 Tuesday 3rd July 2001
Matthew Broersma

A tiny new chip from Hitachi could have massive implications for security - and also for your privacy
Hitachi has developed a chip that could be woven into paper money to help identify counterfeits, and which could also have wide ramifications for the identification and surveillance technologies.

The chip, called Mew, measures just 0.4 millimeters on a side, and stores information such as identification and security code. It includes 128 bits of read-only memory (ROM) and RF wireless circuitry that allows it to transmit over a distance of about 30cm. If inserted in money, a reader unit would be able to instantly detect authentic bills.

Most identity chips are currently several millimeters on a side.

While the chip currently requires a reader unit to work, its size carries big implications for the future of identity technology. For example, future chips could be implanted into all paper money and be connected wirelessly to the Internet, so that authorities would be able to monitor the movement of all cash.

Such chips could also be embedded in other consumer products to track them in the event of theft.

Privacy advocates say the idea of being able to seamlessly track people, money and objects might be attractive to companies and governments, but it raises concerns over how far such technology might go. "What you could achieve with a chip like this is to ensure that surveillance becomes invisible," said Simon Davies, head of Privacy International. "If you really could track things in such an unobtrusive manner than anything an individual does can theoretically be captured."

He said that the ability to track currency is unlikely to be adopted by any democratic government because of the protest it would arouse. "But lots of authorities, like banks, would love to have that facility," he said.

Hitachi says it is considering adding rewritable memory to the device, but for the moment is uysing ROM to prevent data falsification.

The chip will begin sampling this autumn and Hitachi will begin marketing it next spring. Mew Solutions, the venture formed by Hitachi to promote the chip, expects sales of £145m (about £98m) by 2005.


New member
I don't see what the big deal is. Heck we already have our SS numbers. Remember when I was a kid and how this was sold to the public. We were assured by those in power that the SS number would not be used for identification purposes..... It would not be like the tatoo #'s on the jews..... now.... try to do anything without a SS #.


New member
.4 millimeters wouldn't really protrude much under the skin, so wouldn't it be "reasonable" to have these implanted under the skin of gun owners for background checks? For the children, don't you know.


New member
Monkeyleg, I prefer barcoding right on the forehead for children. That way, there is no question of exactly where to scan.:p

Some (law abiding) people use cash so all their transactions can't be immediately tracked. Big brother really doesn't need to know I bought some coffee. When Grandma puts a little money in with a birthday card, the Postal worker doesn't need to be able to scan it for cash either.

This would be bad for waiters and strippers though. All that cash that never gets reported to the IRS. As an aside, the one waitress that I knew who reported all income was audited.


New member
Croyance, I hadn't thought about those who operate "cash and carry."

In college I briefly dated a stripper, and she was never lacking for cash. The perfect date for the college kid who has no money. :)