Identify and free if you can....


New member
Hey Fellas - haven't been on here for a bit - trying to get money out of Gpal:barf: - so as I wait figured I'd separate some range cases.:)

Came across about 35 or so bottleneck pistol cases. Length is .96", and outside diameter at the case mouth is .34" - they are berdan primed with marked - looking at the head stamp - a 54 is at 12 o'clock, a 3 (on some and other numbers on some) at 3 o'clock, and a 21 at 6 o'clock in a circle.

I assume that it's military production and the 3, 5 or whatever number is the year of manufacture.

Even though they are berdan primed (they are brass) I found one that had a split down the one side - oh, about 3/64th long that spaned the "shoulder" if you will heading up and down the case.

Since I would think that a split case from a factory round is a rarity, I thought I'd ask you all. Maybe there is a real market for these and there is someone who could use them somehow, and the fellow who reloaded them made an "oops" with the powder charge.

I'll send them to you if you can use them. Just send me a personal email and I'll get them out to you.

Like I said, maybe 35-40....

Thanks, God bless, and pray for us Gpal users who need our money!


NRA Life Member

And remember: Hug your God and your guns - 'cause he's coming for them both, and soon!


New member
from what you describe and the dimensions you gave, they sound like Tok cases, 7.62 x 25. are the case heads the same size as a 9 mm? the 54, is probably the date, and the 21 is a polish manufacture code. are the 21 and 54 upside down in relation to each other? do they have a "ping" crimp around the case mouth, three or four indents? the splitting is normal from the Tok cases i've seen and fired, being surplus. i don't think anybody would want to try and reload them. i would just put them in my unusable brass bucket, and eventually try to trade them for wheel weights.


New member
Thank you!

:DPelo801 - you nailed them! Thank you for your input. Just thought someone might have needed them, or they were useful. I can't believe how much I don't know!

Thanks again.


NRA Life Member

And remember: Hug your God and your guns - 'cause he's coming for them both, and soon!


New member
Yep, was going to say Tok myself. And the Polish cases are very prone to splitting at the case mouth, were manufactured in the 50's. Definitely will have a stab crimp. Cheap when live, useless when spent. Chuck them out.