

New member
theres so many.... you can start with criminals dont listen to the law so how are more laws going to affect gun crime?


New member
So each and every one of those students should have had a side arm on them? What happens when one of those are driving home and becomes upset at another driver who cuts them off.......they have their side arm readily available......

No not everyone has the self control to carry a gun, but at the same time should they be allowed to drive a car or be allowed to have knifes?

Oh, and by the way, the guarantee of Free Speech never physically murdered anyone.

I beg to differ, words of hate are what teaches hate and what cause crime and murder.

If an area floods and trees flow down a river and knock out a bridge and many people on that bridge die, do we talk about the lack of flood control or tree control? The tree did the damage but the flood caused it. So should we build a better storm water system or tie down the trees?

The gun is the vehicle of destruction in a shooting but the social problem was the cause, if we just get rid of guns we only remove one of the many many items that cause death, in England in the early 90s the leading item used to kill was a firearm, now it is split between cars, plastic bags, rope/cables. Dead is dead but I know I have a better chance to stay alive if I can defend myself with a sidearm.
"So each and every one of those students should have had a side arm on them?"

The answer? YES! Including the teachers, cooks, janitors, dean of students, etc. As long as you're a law abiding citizen...

Ask him if he knows why Hitler never invaded Switzerland. Because the head hancho essentially said that if Hitler did, He'd order his citizens to head to the border, shoot twice, and head back home. The rest is history...:)