ID this revolver please.

Jim March

New member
Mateba. Weird Italian design that fires out of the bottom bore in the cylinder instead of the top. Insanely complex lockwork :). But the recoil control is unreal, far less muzzle flip.

The same maniac of a designer came up with something called the "Chiappa Rhino" before he died. Go google that :).


New member
From what I understand the Mateba type revolvers used to be a boutique type thing. Most of the models are no longer made but the Mateba Unica Six is still made on individual order.

I also recall some American company making some revovler called a Rhino that is alot like it, in a snub nose design. But I'm no expert.


New member
That Chiappa Rhino is ugly as sin! But then I read further into the article and it made complete sense. Smart design, but I can't get past the ugly factor lol.