I'd love to see more news outlets running stories like this one....


New member
But I seriously doubt the Libs would be willing to read it, much less actually give it some thought as to how it could affect them if they ever got their wish of banning guns all together.

Of course, for those of us who actually pay attention to the impact no gun rules/laws have on a country or even a State, this will be no big surprise. ;)

Think Tough Gun Laws Keep Europeans Safe? Think Again...


New member
The Columbus Dispatch( main newspaper in Cols.,Ohio) printed a rather large article a few weeks ago that started on the front page and continued a few pages back.

The article was about a national study done saying how the violent crime rate has dropped the last 4-5yrs. Many reason's for this drop was given from many college profs., politician's etc.

Not one place in the whole article did anyone say or even hint that U.S. citizen's have been arming themselves at alarming rates and that may have had/has an impact on the drop in violent crime.

Seems to be common sense that some(probably most) criminals, if had the choice to do something bad against an un-armed person versus someone armed, the un-armed person would probably be the victim. Especially if the rewards the BG would reap from the un-armed versus armed was equal.
Just a shame that most political figure's and big new's media(which are usually politically driven) still refuse to give being armed it's due:(.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Some of that article doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Take this part, for example:

Though not quite as tight as U.K. regulations, Germany has strict licensing and registration requirements. German licenses are only valid for three years and to obtain a gun license people must demonstrate such hard-to-define characteristics as trustworthiness as well as convince authorities that they have a necessity for a gun. This comes on top of requirements against mental disorders, drug or alcohol addictions, violence or aggressive tendencies, and felony convictions.

Those are almost the identical requirements of many US states but in the previous paragraph the author states:

Indeed, these laws are far stricter than existing gun control in the U.S., or for that matter, the restrictions currently being discussed in the United States.

It's also a bit oddly written, using post-2001 cases in Europe and giving specific numbers but switching to pre-2000 cases for the US and using statistics.
All in all, I'll take it though. Pro-gun anything factual is better than anti-gun garbage propaganda.
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