IAI Garands?

Steve Smith

New member
I'm not sure if anyone klnows yet about the IAI models, but if they're like the Century models, the verdict is this: They're crap.

Why pay $500 for a non-to-any-type-of-spec rifle when you can get a great USGI spec real live M1 for $500 or even $400 if you choose the Danish model?

Go to http://www.odcmp.com for more info.

Seems like the same advice should go for the IAI. Nothing against IAI or anything, but why not get a real Garand?

Navy joe

New member
As to why to buy an IAI, good price, good quality, zero collector value so shoot the hell out of it. I don't own an IAI Garand but want one, I do however own an IAI M-1 Carbine. Having also owned a Century carbine I'd like to take this opportunity to say night and day! The IAI is a wonderful gun, good machine work, completely reliable, and damn good looking. The one I have is all new pieces, no USGI in it. Very accurate too, 2" at 100yds. The Century was none of these things to say the least. In fact it attempted an unscheduled disassembly! I am looking forward to gettin both an IAI and a DCM Garand, I suspect I won't be disapointed with either

Steve Smith

New member
With as many as there are, I'm not convinced that the standard Garands from CMP have any collector's valur at all. There are just way too many, with a roughly equal amout of wear. Shoot the hell out of a real one! Buy three, shoot two!


New member
i look at a photo of one that a guy was selling online it look real good. like the IAI M1-Carbines it is Mil-Spec and will use any old Military parts.
On a related subject, has anyone seen the new Garand receivers manufactured by Lithgow in Australia? I saw an ad for them in Shotgun News but I've never seen one anywhere. I would expect since Lithgow manufactured Enfields for Australia that the quality would be good.


Staff Alumnus

Has anyone had any experience with IAI Garands? I have an IAI M1 Carbine, and it would be hard to be much more satisfied with it than I am.


New member
Do not buy, do not fire!!!

Both the Lithgow and the C.A.I. receivers are junk. Read the Tech inspection performed by Walter Kuleck at Fulton Armory (with photos). I have heard many bad stories on the Centuries such as constant jams and Op rods popping off. Do your self a favor and buy one through the CMP. Go to Fulton Armory web site and select M-1 Garand stuff and then M-1 Garand Facts, see for you self...Austral



New member
very linited info.......

I too have their M1 carbine and love it. The only thing that I can say is that I talked to my dealer and she said that she could get me one and the price was about $600 or so. I think that I will go this route in the future. I also here that the ODCMP garands are starting to run out. Most of them have been rebuilt a bunch of times. Even they say to get a gunsmith to check them out before firing! I usually buy new if I can. There is also the match requirement for ODCMP Garands. I don't shoot high power so this leaves me out too. The ODCMP Garands are $400 or so. Sorry that I don't have anything more. Hope that this helps....DAROGUE1 PS. Stay away from the CAI ones they are junk from what I here. I ALMOST bought one.

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
Anyone who sells military surplus will tell you to get a competent gunsmith to check it out. It's known as risk management or keeping ravenous lawyers at bay.

The high power match requirements are not that onerous from what I understand. With me it's just that my local CMP affiliated club only holds the matches on Sundays and I work on Saturday nights.

I was mainly curious as to the quality of the IAI.

13 years ago, I sold an International Harvester M1. Boy, am I kicking myself over that one!