Ia. ATF head charged.


New member
The head of the Iowa ATF was charged after pointing a gun at teenagers who had pulled a prank on his property on homecoming night.

Charges : Serious assualt - DWI - 2 counts of simple assualt - public intoxication.

Subject has pled not guilty.

These charges were a result after a investigation into the matter was conducted by the local county attorneys office.



New member
"serious assault" sounds like it could be, well, serious...like felony-type serious.



PS What, exactly, is non-serious assault? I love legal terminology sometimes.

Ought Six

New member
Do you seriously think this guy will pay the price a regular joe would? You or I would be up on felony assault with a deadly weapon charges, not misdemeanors. There will likely be some kind of sweetheart deal, the kind of plea bargain you or I could never hope to get. The result will be slap on the wrist at most; I'd bet on it.


New member
At minimum I would hope that the ATF demotes him regardless of the legal outcome. That should just about toast his career.


New member
They should slap his wrist with an axe. And don't forget how Janet 'Shaved Yeti' Reno walked on criminal/civil liability in the Waco, Ruby Ridge and Elian Gonzales cases.


New member
Heck, if he would have just shot them and burned their house down they would have promoted him to Deputy Director.