I would love to own a G30 but...


New member
I really like the size(concealable), caliber, and capacity of the Glock 30. I used to own a G19 which had great combat accuracy and fast follow up shots; so I'm familiar with the trigger, grip angle and basic functioning of the Glock. There is one thing that I have a problem with and it is mental and I am curious if anyone else has the same hang up. I just don't think i could feel completely comfortable reholstering(especially IWB) a Glock with the chamber loaded. I know it is probably highly unlikely but I can't stop thinking of something like a belt loop or a shirt wad getting inside the trigger guard while pressing the gun down into the holster. I ofter carry P7M8 or Ultra Kimber and I have great confidence reholstering these. I am not sure if I have been spoiled by the safetys on these guns or if I'm just being overly cautious about the Glock. In any event I still may have the G30 some day.


New member
1st I am glad you asked over here before Glocktalk. I enjoy Glocktalk, but they would have jumped all over you. My suggestion is try it. You have little to loose if you decide to sell it, and everyone needs a new gun once a month.

Carry it around the house with the trigger ready(not back) and either a emptly or loaded mag with the chamber empty. Holster, reholster, and handle all the time. Who does not like fondling a new gun. All though I deplore the pull weight you could also install a new york 2 system to make the trigger pull heavyer.

Do you shoot revolvers? Do you worry about the saftey there? With that pull weight it would be very similiar to carrying a revolver.

It is a quality firearm but at least with me the fear came from inexperience. Now all my glocks have the 3.5 pound connector and the lighter pull and I don't worry.

While I do understand your fear, I think you will find it is unjustified.



New member
I can understand the concern.. I would suggest simply carrying the G30 around your house unloaded for a while, and practice presentation/reholstering in clothes you normally wear.

If you are attentive to your clothing, and obey rule 3, you should be fine.


New member
I was paranoid too when i first got my Glock 21. Carried it around for better part of a month chamber empty before just making up my mind one day that it was silly to be scared of it and loaded one and did not worry about it.

Just like a revolver, if you keep your finger off the trigger you will not have a problem.


New member
i have a ny-1 spring on my trigger and i'm VERY careful when reholstering. i addressed the problem by carrying my glock 19 OWB in a very stiff holster rather than IWB. it just makes me feel better


New member
I suggest you invest in a better holster, or a Safe-T-Block, to put yourself at ease. I've carried both of my Glocks, at one time or another, just tucked into the waistband of my jeans. I realized very quickly that my fears of a shirt tail getting into the triggerguard and causing the gun to fire were overblown. Relax, and get some training.


New member
Load your Glock with a dummy round and reholster repeatedly.

This will really raise your comfort level.

That said I'm still real carefull reholstering my Glock.


New member
Using a quality holster either made of Kydex or a leather holster with a reinforced mouth will minimize any potential problems while reholstering. These holsters retain their shapes and make reholstering easy.

I would be concerened with the cheaper holsters that do not have a reinforced mouth and tend to collapse upon presentation of the weapon such as the Uncle Mikes type, but then I would be concerned about reholstering ANY weapon with one of these holsters.

The Saf-T-Block is a good non custom solution. There are also companies that install safeties on Glocks if you so desire.

I just don't think i could feel completely comfortable reholstering(especially IWB) a Glock with the chamber loaded.

Thousands of Police Officers do it everyday in complete safety. Training and familiarity is the answer. Oh..and one more note...you may be more comfortable carrying a G30 in a good oustide type holster. The weapon is pretty thick already. When you add 1/4 inch of leather holster thickness things can start to get a bit uncomfortable.

Good Shooting


New member
A LEO friend of mine recently suffered her 1st AD involving her G17. Carried it safely everyday for the last 4 years. Talking to her in the hospital, I found out it was the 1st time she had decided to carry her Glock w/o a holster in her purse and it somehow went off...she thinks her cell phone snagged the trigger while she was retrieving it to make a call. :rolleye: (Insert laughter here!) Even she laughed at what she did...thankful too that she didn't hit a civilian & that she would be okay.
Moral of this story, if you're gonna carry a Glock, carry it using a quality holster that secures the trigger guard. ;)
Stay safe!


New member
I wouldn't worry too much about it. The worst thing that can happen is an AD and your nick name becomes "Shorty"!

Seriously, if you have reservations about the safety of the issue, you might be better off passing on the Glock and going for an auto loader with a conventional safety.


New member
Don't buy any gun if you have a safety issue. It is as simple as that. Buy a gun if you feel comfortable carrying.


New member

I'm glad your friend is okay, but she had no business carrying a Glock loose in her purse with a round in the chamber. I mean, that's just dumb. That said, we all do stupid things from time to time that get us injured, so she's not alone.

If you carry a Glock chambered, you just have to carry it in a holster that covers the trigger, and be aware of your trigger finger while holstering and unholstering.