I wonder what this would sound like...

Looks pretty rural to me. What's the problem?

No problem here;) just never heard a full auto going off, with me personally being there. Sure does look like a hoot to shoot...but expensive too, if you get carried away with it. Probably why I don't own one:rolleyes:


New member
The first two magfuls were well done, short, controlled bursts, nice toys. After that is was just happy sound making ammo wasting.

Uncle Buck

New member
I had a 9mm carbine malfunction and it went full auto on me. Reminded me of being back in the military and wondering why I ever wasted so much ammo.
It was pretty neat, but nothing I would want to have to pay to keep feeding. I got the carbine fixed and sold it off.
I have another 9mm carbine in the safe (CM-11 I think) that is only used when the kids want to shoot. They talk about the time Uncle Buck went full auto on the target with the other gun. "Man, you should have seen Uncle Bucks eyes! But he kept it on target." Followed by laughter and other behavior that I am sure I did not look like when it happened.

Shooter - They have an annual event (I think it is in West Virginia) where all the machine gunners go and you can rent someones' fully automatic weapons. I know someone here will know the name of the place, event and when it is held. Maybe you could head over that way and get a short burst or two in. If I remember correctly, it is only about a 10 hour drive from here in the West Central Area of the most beautiful Missouri.