I won my first gun ever.

Charles S

New member
I won my first gun ever.

I have went to Ducks Unlimited banquettes, Wild Turkey Federation dinners, and NRA benefits. I have never one a gun. I was once sitting at a table where everyone besides myself won a gun, although I did win a nifty gift certificate for breakfast at McDonalds.

My wife asked me to shoot in a local Skeet tournament/benefit on Saturday. I have not shot skeet in about 11 years and I am fairly competitive so I was not really excited about the prospect, but a friend of mine was shooting he stated that there would be plenty of inexperienced skeet shooters and it was all about raising money for a local benefit and having fun.

It is not that often that your wife actually ask you to go shoot anyway, so I decided to go. I dusted off (not really - I hunt with it every year) the old Remington 1100 12 ga. and put a skeet choke in it and I was ready to go. (I really wish I would have had enough notice to practice some).

I had a great time. I did not shoot all that well, I shot a 16 on the first round and 18 on the second for a total of 34 (I know, really bad). I really had fun. I need to join the club and shoot more. I really did enjoy myself.

I did shoot well enough to move myself out of the novice bracket and into the next bracket, but not well enough win any money (I actually only missed a pay out by one spot).

My seven year old daughter (who was looking very cute) was asked to draw for the door prizes and first off she drew my name and I won100 shotgun shells, not bad. When my daughter realized she had drawn my number she was quite surprised. The fact that she drew my number actually cause some good spirited comments from the crowd. My daughter was quite adamant that she had drawn my name by accident. I shot 50 and got 100.

Dinner was great, fried catfish with all the trimming.

The winners of the shooting were announced and the money was awarded to the winners.

The last event of the evening was the drawing for the Remington 1100 Sporting shotgun with the choice of 12 ga or 20 ga, with the addition of some extra money the winner could get the 28 ga or the 410.

My daughter was again called to the front for the drawing. She made absolutely sure that everyone could see that she had her eyes closed, the hopper was spun and she reached in for the ticket. When she opened her eyes, I knew at that moment she was holding the ticket with my name on it. The first thing out of her mouth was….”I did not do it on purpose.” Then she said “I did not mean to draw his ticket.” My daughter was so flabbergasted, she did not even know what to say.

Needless to say I was very excited.

Here is what I won. I chose the 20 ga.





New member

great looking gun man.

i won some stamps at a stamp expo with my dad once (he is a phillatilist)



Nice, bro! Good story. :)

My first DU banquet, I won the door prize, a 16' tripod stand. It had been assembled for all to see. I had to disassemble it after the banquet to get it home, but didn't bother me in the least. :)