I wish I'd thought of this...

Jim V

New member
I wonder how well he(she) is doing? Do you think any of the sheeple took him/her up on it? If so, hummmmmm, there could be a business there. LOL


Moderator Emeritus
It could work...

Pop quiz:

Fill in the blanks in the following quotes.

1) "A ____ and his _____ soon are ______."
2) "There's a ______ born every ______."

The continued existance of the anti-freedom lobby proves these truisms daily. :p


New member

I had NO idea, that so many mommies, and dada's....were packing little Johnny, & Susie's lunch kits with ammo, and 9mm's.........how thoughtful of these folks.............:barf:


New member
Too right, Tamara. :)

You know, the more I think of it, the more I think it's a Beautiful Thing to make money off the humor-impaired.
