I went and smoked today!


New member
The weather is finally decent here in Utah and I was able to get out and shoot the 1851 I bought a couple of months back. First thing when I get to the range I realize I didn't grab the Pyrodex P so I ended up using RS. I went with ~15 grains. I used .380 round balls from Track of the Wolf which seat nice but they don't shave a ring like my 44's do. Then I realize 1 of the 6 nipples uses #11 caps while the other 5 take #10's. I will have to change this if I can ever remove the other 5. This gun shoot center but shoots pretty high. The closest target at this range if 15 yards and it was shooting about 4 inches high. I have heard this is common for these pistols.

I made a video but my sound didn't work for some reason so I added some music for your enjoyment. :D



New member
LOL...I almost spat out my mouthfull of cherry coke when the music started:D

Cool....looked like fun:cool: I love the dragoon barrel navys.