I was wrong about the Glock 17


New member
Really, seriously? How much Glock love is enough? This particular article takes the cake...

You know what if you love it ok great.... its only the 3900000000 time we have heard the same thing.....

Glad you enjoy it but dang.... :barf:

I have tried to moderate on the Glock dislike but this is exactly the stance that make so many people dislike them.... Oh well, enjoy...
I was forced to hold a glock 17 Gen2 today, I quickly administered proper medical care by asking to see the Caspian framed custom Commander in the case. Ugly and thick...not a good woman or gun.

Interesting take. I'll admit I am as big a fan of Glocks as anyone, but if you ever care to read my blog you will see I don't really talk that much about Glocks.

Although I raved about my Glock 17 in this take, you will see if you read some of my other articles that I can rave about a lot of things.

If Glocks don't do it for you, cool, but there's a reason they are so popular.


New member
There is also a reason they are so unpopular with so many people...

You like em we get it, I hope you enjoy them to the max but this has been done to death.....

No disrespect, I understand it works for you..
Maybe it has been done to death. I wasnt here for that.

Like I said though, as much as I like Glocks, I really hardly talk about them. You can see that if you look over my blog much.


New member
Glocks work for me also...it is hard for me to understand the enmity Glocks are treated to, nor do I understand the negative reaction to the thread.
That caspian custom commander is probably very fine...would you take it on a week long backpack trip in the rain like I did a Glock 23 (the Glock looked like it never left the house when I got home)?...how about a salt water sea kayak trip?


New member
Glocks are good guns; so are a lot of others.

Sometimes I think folks try a Glock, and fail to appreciate the selection of guns out there. I see people who own 10 or more Glocks, and nothing else.

To me, that's sorta missing out. I enjoy shooting my G23, but I have others that I enjoy more. No sense in limiting myself to one design.


PS: the G17 grip doesn't feel right in my hand, so I prefer the compact Glock. I can remember when the G17 was the only model they offered, and I'm glad they've added others, but I still don't care for the 17.



New member
The reason people get annoyed is that while many of us love our guns just as much, we don't feel the need to regurgitate it. I think it might be the younger crowd that ruffles the feathers. They tend to be more "enthusiastic" in their likes and the follower/joiner instinct left over from their school days makes come here to find other people who think like they do so they can belong...

Is there anything wrong with the glock 17? Nope. It's a good gun, does its job, but so do lot of other guns and I'd stack my P226 against one in a heartbeat. Not to mention my sig isn't Fugly.


New member
...And so the insults and profiling begin.
I'm 54, been shooting since I was 5. I have a great appreciation for all things Browning and for pre-lock, pre-MIM S&W revolvers...
I like GLOCK.
The reason people get annoyed is that while many of us love our guns just as much, we don't feel the need to regurgitate it. I think it might be the younger crowd that ruffles the feathers. They tend to be more "enthusiastic" in their likes and the follower/joiner instinct left over from their school days makes come here to find other people who think like they do so they can belong...

Is there anything wrong with the glock 17? Nope. It's a good gun, does its job, but so do lot of other guns and I'd stack my P226 against one in a heartbeat. Not to mention my sig isn't Fugly.

This is a gun board. This is the internet. If you don't like regurgitated info you might as well disconnect right now.

I've been a Glock fan for as long as I can remember. Like I stated previously, I hardly talk about Glocks. Read my Blog and see. I've been on a 1911 craze lately.

However, I am scratching my head over the complaints too. Interesting how much people hate/love Glocks. If I see a topic in a gun forum that I don't care for I don't even click on it, so I am failing to see why so many folks are upset about this thread.

What's more, I haven't even heard one good complaint about the Glock. Sure, maybe you don't like it, but that's not even worth weighing in on a topic if that is your biggest and/or only gripe.



New member
Ya, I was on the rude side and will apologize for it. I had a rough day at work and let it follow me into the forums.

I'll stand by what I said about the glock 17. It's a good gun, does what it promises. I just prefer my p226, find it just as reliable, and I find it more accurate. I can't hit the broad side of barn with glock anything, but with my p226 I can do some scary things when my eyes aren't wonky from allergies. With a good 1911, I can consistently put rounds in the same hole at 10+ yards. I just can't pull that off with the glocks. Something with their grip angle just messes me up.


New member
Anytime I have someone ask me what 9mm they should get for home defense, it is- "Glock 17 will never do ya wrong".

I almost exclusively use a G17 for defense, hunting, and competition. It is boringly reliable! :rolleyes:. I stopped cleaning mine some time ago.

And yes, I have others to choose from.


New member
The 9mm's I have owned for extended periods and shot extensively include Browning HiPower (owned several, have CCW'd many times...always been my favorite nine), Sig 225, Beretta 92FS, Walther P1, and CZ75.
While one or two have come close to eclipsing the HiPower for favorite, the G17 may be the one that does....
The jury is still out on that score, I have not owned my G17 long enough to make that determination, but none of the other nine's I have owned have come so close to replacing the HiPower for me


New member
I've had a G17 for well over a decade. It's accurate, reliable, and works - what more could you need?

Now, it's not a pretty gun at all. But I've got other guns for that. :D