I was planning on taking the kids shooting today


New member
I took the 4 year old first. It was threatening rain so I didn't bother setting up all the equipment. I used the garden wagon to haul a little bit of gear out and let him sit on the ground and use my gear bag in the wagon as a rest. It misted and/or sprinkled on us pretty much the whole time. We still had fun.

Here is the big boy.

Here is the backstop. Note the swinging steel. If you look close you can see a group he shot on the target.

A couple of more action shots.


Finally the rain got to him and we went in. I thought it would keep raining so I held off taking the other boys. Of course it didn't ever rain hard this afternoon but it did sprinkle off and on.

Better luck next time.


New member
Great pics, that kid looks like a satisfied shooter at least that is his expression. Your lucky to have a place to do that sort of thing with your boy........

chris in va

New member
You've got almost the perfect setup. Single shot, red dot, reactive targets, electronic muffs.

If you're allowed, consider some Tannerite for massive grin factor.

Harry Callahan

New member
Yes, VERY nice set up. I would give my right gonad for a place like that to shoot. That's one happy kid, too. Will you adopt me?:D