I was almost an "airline terrorist"

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New member
O.K. so here's the story. Last Saturday (Sept 30th) my wife dropped me off at the Buffalo airport so I could fly to Monterey, Kalifornia for a conference. I checked my bag and proceeded to security with my two carry-on bags. I put my bags on the X-ray conveyer and since all the security people seemed busy, I grabbed a bin and put my change and keys in it. Instead of waiting for someone to hand it to, I put it on the belt and it went through the machine. I walk through the metal detector (I was clean) and this guy's holding up my keys by the keychain and asking if they're mine. My keychain is an uncharged .223 cartridge. It's a casing, a bullet crimped in and where the primer should be, there is a loop welded and sticking out so it can be strung on a key ring. Well they start making a big deal about this.

Security: "You can't bring this through here."
Me: "It's only a key chain, it's not loaded, look there's no primer"
S: "We can't allow anything like this through. Anything that can be converted into a real bullet"
M: "Do you know how many times I've come through here with that? I was just here two days ago to pick up my wife and I brought it through with me. I bought that in San Francisco in May and have been flying with it ever since. I've been through a half dozen airports including this one."
S: "Well then someone must have missed it. I'm sorry sir, you'll have to check it with the bags below."
M: "I already checked my bag"
S: "Come with me sir"

This guy escorts me back to the checkout counter of my airline, not letting me handle the "dangerous, evil keychain", and tells them to check this for me. The girls and guy at the counter thought it was ridiculous. They sealed it in an envelope then placed the envelope in this big cardboard box with a handle. The box was about 6" x 4" x 12" for a key chain a little over an inch long. I walked back through security, checked my bags again, etc... As I was walking towards my gate, shaking my head, I couldn't help but wonder if someone else had gotten something really dangerous through because they were so involved with my keychain.

This tells me a few things.

1) If you ever see a cheesy cardboard airline box with handwritted info at the baggage claim, it's probably somebodies pocket knife, bullet key chain or other dangerous implement of airline terrorism.

2) When you HAND them the little plastic box with your keys and pocket change, they don't look at it too closely.

3) Security can be a bunch of over-sensitive, zero-tolerance, no common sense morons.

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.

Greg L

New member
A few years ago I was picking up my wife at the airport. On the way through the "security" gate they stopped my and grilled me for 5 min about my own "assault" key chain. My crime, having a .50 cal made into a key ring. The primer was pulled and the other end had two holes drilled into it for the key ring to go through. If you looked at it from either end you could see daylight. Didn't matter, it was part of a gun and I couldn't take it with me. Finally just left it with them while I went down to the gate to get the rest of the family. Morons.



New member
A few years ago I did my stint as the fugitive officer, traveling all over the country bringing back felons caught in other states. In all those flights, I was only properly ID'ed once. By a cute little lady at the American Airlines counter in Norfolk VA. Normally I would just walk up to the machine and tell the idiot in the sportscoat that I was a peace officer and I was carrying. They'd just have me walk around and go to the gate. We're supposed to sign a weapons log, only was asked to about 20% of the time. Seattle couldn't even find theirs, and had me sign a post-it note. (On one flight to St Louis I was the 14th officer to sign in for that flight) My favorite was the fellow, who upon seeing my prisoner in shackles asked me if I was traveling for business or pleasure! I've lost count of the number of morons that have asked me to remove the shackles for "Flight Safety". My usual response was, "I'm sorry ma"am, if the plane crashes he won't be getting off". Next time you take a flight, especially one going to a major hub, watch who boards early. Prisoner escorts board first, sit in the very last seat by the bathrooms, and always leave after the plane empties out.


New member
Not so long ago the gift shop at the Richmond, Virginia airport stopped selling the small(6" maybe) toy replica Civil War cannons - people kept trying to take them on the planes. John

Kentucky Rifle

New member
I don't remember where it was posted, but the weirdest one I have ever heard was regarding the guy who tried to get on the plane with the fake cartridge with Charlton Heston's autograph that the NRA was giving as a little gift for signing up for another year. It was obviously not a real cartridge, it even had a hole in it for a key chain! Still, the fake cartridge with Heston's signature and a hole was confiscated. I think it was in New Jersey, but I'm not sure.


Mendacity is the system we live in.
Airport security guards are largely uneducated or struggling to get through school. While some will make it to better paying jobs and rewarding careers, many will not. So, what else can you expect from them?


New member
After several years and several flights, one gentleman decided that my relic minie ball, found on a battlefield from the war between the states/of northern aggression, was hazardous to take on an airplane. I'm sure he's got it somewhere...

You know, there's all this uproar over fake bullets - I wonder what would happen if someone tried to take a REAL one on...


... Sounds like you've created a FUD File ...


New member
Heh...I travel with my camera bag occaisionally. I usually have a multitool, two types of firestarters and a Coast Guard package of emergency rations [wrapped in foil]]and my syringes and insulin. Only once did anyone say anything...they had me remove my telephoto lens from the camera body so they could 'peep' thru it. Nevermind the rest of the crap in the bag. :rolleyes:


New member
I have never had a problem getting things like this on an airplane, even serrated knives of the legal length. I put everything in my carry on with all the other odds and ends, and then retreive them before I board. If the piece is to be laid flat, make sure your evil looking object is placed in the bag in such a way, that they get the smallest profile of it. Think about it. If a deer is standing in the middle of the road on a sunny day, he is easy to see. If he is standing in the woods on a foggy day, he is much harder to see. Many of the people who work security at the gate are minimum wage morons, but for the most part I think they are just carrying out assinine orders by their superiors. The more foil and metal objects you get in your carry on, the better. Multi-tools, maglights, tape decks, metal whiskey flask, mechanical pencils, d-rings, keys, etc. etc. - get the picture

[This message has been edited by TEX (edited October 10, 2000).]


New member
Last May I was selected for jury duty at Santa Ana Superior Court and the same exact thing happened to me at the courthouse. I had a keychain with a dummy .44 special round and was told by the security guards (county sheriff deputies)THAT I COULD NOT bring that or my pocket knife with a 2 inch blade into the courthouse. The whole thing was a crock of crap and I told the deputy so. He just looked at me and said "I'm just doing my job."

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."


New member
Oh yeah... Flying out of Atlanta, I took the little bowl, and between my keys, a week's worth of pocket change, and all the other crap I end up carrying, and filled that sucker up. I coulda had a good-sized belly gun in the thing, underneath all the crap, and they woulda missed it. The guy just carried it around to the other side.

Futo Inu

New member
Yeah, I cannot believe I haven't been hassled at the federal courthouse even once since I've had my NRA Charlton Heston "silver bullet" on my keychain. It's not even a real case with a crimped bullet, though - just a silver-colored metal outline of a cartridge - probably pour-molded.

BTW, can anyone identify whether the Charlton Heston silver bullet is a replica of a real, existing cartridge? Near as I can tell, it looks closest to a .41 Magnum cartridge.
Couple months ago, there was a story about a parent and child at an airport, and the kid had a GI Joe, and his little 1/6th scale Tommy gun wasn't allowed on the plane. Anyone remember that?


New member
FUD, thanks for the compliment! I think we have learned a lot about airport security in this topic. I shudder to think that the future may hold many uniformed "officials" carrying out idiotic policies because they're "just doing their job".

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.


New member
Last month I flew from MCI to ORD. When I travel via the airlines I have a radio and camera with me in a back pack. Also in there are keys, books, and airline tickets. At both locations my back pack is subjected to the old explosive search by swabbing the outside and placing the swab in the sniffer. I am certain it is because of the radio and camera from the scanner. No problem as there was nothing dangerous in there. At ORD I asked what if I had used the pack when I visit the range and gun power residue is on the pack and you find nothing dangerous in there. This south-of-the-boarder gate guard says then you wouldn't be getitng on the plane.

The next time I will carry the camera and radio over my shoulder and see what happens.

Keiller TN

New member
I drive.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it:
except the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." (Psalm 127:1)

"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."
(Alexander Solzhenitzyn)


New member
I used to fly regularly between Anchorage & Fairbanks on Mil 'business'.

Once the Morons at the gate wanted to confiscate my Leatherman...as an "illegal butterfly knife". It took my getting the State Trooper stationed at the Airport to rescue my knife and board.

On another occasion they stopped me after I put my breifcase on the x-ray belt. Seems they didn't like the pencil-box full of screwdrivers that was in there. Funny thing though, also in that box was:

-a circuit board
-2 12v lithium batteries
all wrapped around a large block of an unidentified grey plasticised substance wrapped in waxed paper.

They didn't give it a second look.

The morons in Spokane WA accosted my wife because her clear sipper-bottle might contain "white gas" and forced her to drink from it to prove otherwise.

(I can think of at least 2 liquid binary explosives that can be drunk without major health consequences.)

When I was with EOD doing FAA security testing I got past security with:

Binary Liquid explosives.
Sm. handguns concealed in steel coffee mugs.
Knives of various dimensions.
Specialized IED/"terrorist" type explosives.
(Not to mention the UNCONCEALED "BIG BOMB" mentioned above.)

Seems like the only time I have problems at an Airport is when I'm there legit & clean.

Unbelievable what idiots they hire to "protect" us.


Honor Before All
Doing Least Harm Always


New member
I used to fly regularly between Anchorage & Fairbanks on Mil 'business'.

Once the Morons at the gate wanted to confiscate my Leatherman...as an "illegal butterfly knife". It took my getting the State Trooper stationed at the Airport to rescue my knife and board.

On another occasion they stopped me after I put my breifcase on the x-ray belt. Seems they didn't like the pencil-box full of screwdrivers that was in there. Funny thing though, also in that box was:

-a circuit board
-2 12v lithium batteries
all wrapped around a large block of an unidentified grey plasticised substance wrapped in waxed paper.

They didn't give it a second look.

The morons in Spokane WA accosted my wife because her clear sipper-bottle might contain "white gas" and forced her to drink from it to prove otherwise.

(I can think of at least 2 liquid binary explosives that can be drunk without major health consequences.)

When I was with EOD doing FAA security testing I got past security with:

Binary Liquid explosives.
Sm. handguns concealed in steel coffee mugs.
Knives of various dimensions.
Specialized IED/"terrorist" type explosives.
(Not to mention the UNCONCEALED "BIG BOMB" mentioned above.)

Seems like the only time I have problems at an Airport is when I'm there legit & clean.

Unbelievable what idiots they hire to "protect" us.


Honor Before All
Doing Least Harm Always
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