I want to join a militia


New member
I have been looking into the possibility of joining a patriotic (citizens militia) organization for the last year, but have not been successful in locating one in my area.

Can anyone refer me to a reputable organization in my area.

[This message has been edited by Brent (edited August 14, 2000).]

Paul Revere

New member

A bit of advice. Most "organizied" militias are heavily infiltrated by the feds. What this means is that as (if) things heat up and the militias call their members to arms, you could expect that your unit will most likely be one of the first "anti-government extremist groups" to be wasted. The American public has already been indoctrinated to the use of certain key words like, "militias", "anti-government", "cult", etc. all of which have been given very negative meanings.

All this gives justification to avoid joining an organizied group.

The alternative would be to prepare as though you were already in a group. You may buddy up with one or more of your closest (like minded/trusted) friends if that suits you better. I suggest reading, "Patriots, Surving the Coming Collapse", by James Wesley Rawles. Everything you need to know regarding preparation is in there.

When (if) the SHTF, you will be 1) prepared with equipment, survival, and firearms training, 2) be completely independent from any groups that are under surveillance, and 3) have the ability to join up with any organizied group sometime in the future after the SHTF because of your skills/equipment offerings.

As bad as things seem, they are bound to get much, much worse. Get moving NOW on your preparations.

Jack 99

New member
I'll say it again: You're in a militia now.
By statute, you are a militia member unless you are a Fed employee or member of the National Guard. There's a few other exemptions as well.

If your goal is to "make a statement" you can probably be more effective and appeal to more sheeple through other means. If you really want to overthrow the gubmint, the militias out there are probably a bad idea for all the reasons Paul R. gives.


Try these links for info:

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper

"The fact is that the average man's love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth. He is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty - and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies." -- H.L. Mencken, February 12, 1923, Baltimore Evening Sun

"If God had not wanted them to be sheared, he would not have made them sheep." -- Bad guy from the Magnificent Seven.

"Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blow." -- Bob Dylan


New member
Brent, Jack already made my point for me. If you want to do something for your community along the same lines consider becoming a reserve deputy for your local sheriff. That way you can contribute on a regular basis instead of just during emergencies and you will be on the scene to keep an eye on any federal doings in your area.


New member
Thank you for all of your input.


I'll get a copy of the book you recommended. As to getting together with a couple of like-minded friends, I don't have any friends that are willing to take risks to defend their political liberties. You suggested that I "have the ability to join up with any organized group sometime in the future". I would like to be able to join up with such a group, but I don't know of any that exist in my local area.


I think that I have already visited the 1st link that you gave, but not the 2nd. I will visit the 2nd link. The problem seems to be that I could not find any groups in my specific area.


What exactly are the responsibilities of reserve deputies, what are the training requirements, and what are their time commitments?

Paul Revere

New member
Jack 99...

I hope my post wasn't misleading, I agree with your point 100%. However, today's citizen army (militia) requires a different approach to its readiness than our fore fathers had. Today we are required to be absolutely discreet about our business. And joining some "State Militia" is NOT the answer!

How would you like someone from the federal government sitting in your living room while you and your buddies discussed domestic politics today, or better yet, the topic of doing something to correct those politics? The answer is obvious...you wouldn't! Now imagine yourself as a new recruit in an organizied state militia where you don't know anyone, and they don't know you. Feels a little funny doesn't it? Exactly!

The effectiveness of a militia group is completely dependent upon TRUST among its members. In addition, such a group's covert intelligence gathering and communications is utterly critical. Now, understanding that MOST of these groups already have submitted to intimate cooperation with federal agents, how is it (trust) possible? The answer is, it isn't!

These "monitored" groups become targets as soon as they ramp up their readiness protocol. And we're not just talking about simple infiltrated intelligence, we're talking about GPS pinpoint targeting of the group's meeting location, logistics, personnel...etc, etc. Is that where you want to be when the SHTF?


New member
These are great replys..I believe we must be ttrained and ready and hopefully when TSHTF we can unite and take care of business. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone on this sight has a file on them at the ATF of FBI.


New member
You belong to a patroitic organization. It's called The Firing Line. Joining an organized militia in Texas is taking a big risk, especially after the Republic of Texas boys went publically noisy. Practice your shooting skills. Get familiar with wilderness areas near where yoy live, camp out when you can. Learn basic survival skills, they're available in books. I live just south of Dallas, and work in Plano. I know my area. God forbid, but should the time ever come, like-minded patriots will find each other.


New member
Jack 99,

You said...

If your goal is to "make a statement" you can probably be more effective and appeal to more sheeple through other means. If you really want to overthrow the gubmint, the militias out there are probably a bad idea for all the reasons Paul R. gives.

I don't think Brent said anything about wanting to overthrow the gubmint. I think there are plenty of legitimate reasons to want to join a militia besides that. I have no interest in joining a militia, nor do I know a lot about them, but I would venture to say that very, very, few of them are actually working to overthrow the gubmint anyway. As loony as some of the militia leaders are, I don't think that they are that crazy. ;-)

I just wanted to clarify that for anyone who might be taking what you said the wrong way.


Joe's Self Reliance & Preparedness Forum

Paul Revere

New member

You hit the nail on the head..."like minded patriots will find each other".


This should have answered your last question.

It is absolutely critical that you prioritize your preparation. From now until the time you are locked and loaded, during the aquisition of logistics, throughout your various means of training, and while you are preparing physically...you should be studying. This is the most critical part of preparation in my opinion.

You should be thoroughly versed as to what we face. You should understand the complexity of what's ahead. You should research the "agenda", know just who is behind it, and realize just how much we've been lied to. This will help clear your misconceptions and prejudices of who most folks think they'll be up against. This will cause you to lay low while those who are motivated by their fear and anger are drawn out into the open. You will realize the travesty that ignorance has played upon your fellow man at that point. But you will know better, your powder will be dry, and your mind will be sharp.

This is meant to both scare you and get you off your butt. As it should.

Start your 101 here: http://www.thenewamerican.com/focus/


New member
I know that the likelyhood of a militia being infultrated is very high, but we can't sit in our basements with our "stash" and wait until it all goes to hell. We can't do it alone. If you believe that we'll all find each other by some divine inspiration, you're crazy.

We need to be organized and we need a group to be organized with. TFL is great, but could easily be removed, and access to the 'net could become difficult.

The reason that the militia movement suffers in the public is because of it's secrecy. People are naturally suspicious of things that people are trying to hide... especially if those people are armed. If you're open about your good intentions, then those who really know you and your group will know the truth if something should happen to you.

Paul Revere

New member

"One person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter." ["Term Limits", By Vince Flynn].

Forget about what people "think" about militias long enough to understand the reality of such "organizied" groups. We cannot let our patriotism overcome our sense of judgment. Patriots are looked upon as the "ENEMY" by those that drive the agenda. Organizied militias have already been targeted, but millions of patriotic Americans are everywhere...not noticed and not "associated". And an "enemy" that cannot be seen, cannot be destroyed.

Watering the "Liberty Tree" now and then with blood, as Thomas Jefferson put it, should be taken seriously. However, you either underestimate your perceived enemy, or you just don't know who your enemy is. We want our freedom, but not at the cost of falling into a trap [read; ambush]. There will be extreme efforts made to shake out trigger happy Americans, to draw them out into the open, exposing themselves. They will be the first ones to water the Liberty Tree, as sacrificial lambs. And this will have gained no ground.

Think of this strategy as a Marine sniper would...his target is beyond his immediate reach. All hell is breaking loose all around him, as he inches across a muddy, leach filled swamp on his belly. He can smell the enemy soldiers around him, but he remains focused on his target, staying hidden and undercover. Inching forward as the hours pass, and the bullets whizzz overhead. Two days of hell has gone down around him, but he remains focused, as he slips into position with his target finally in sight. Now he acts...with precision.

Jack 99

New member

Brent didn't clarify his purpose, so I thought I'd cover all bases. Most people join militias to "make a statement." The problem is that they're making the statement to all the wrong people (Feds, like minded people who don't need convinced). The statement they make to the brainwashed sheeple is "look at me, I'm an extremist who wants to murder your baby!"

Then politicos like Reno get to get in front of TV cameras and say things like "We really need this anti-terrorism bill, there are more than x number of active militias in this country!" And the sheeple bleat "Ye-e-e-e-e-s-s-s, please save us from the evil militia. We don't care about our rights, just make the bad people go awa-a-a-a-a-a-ay! Ba-a-a-a-a-aa!"

Paul R.-

I like you. I used to think I was paranoid. Now I know better. Sometimes I think you have to be a Federal Agent though ;)

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper

"The fact is that the average man's love of liberty is nine-tenths imaginary, exactly like his love of sense, justice and truth. He is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely. Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty - and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies." -- H.L. Mencken, February 12, 1923, Baltimore Evening Sun

"If God had not wanted them to be sheared, he would not have made them sheep." -- Bad guy from the Magnificent Seven.

"Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blow." -- Bob Dylan

Jim March

New member
Start by reading "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross.

IF there is such a critter as a serious, "in case of dire need" organization that's truly capable, you will never hear about them. They won't post as such, they won't meet in camo in the woods, they'll be totally undetectable. And they'll ignore anybody posting to a public forum with the words "I want to join a militia".

I doubt such orgs are common at all. Individual preparation and action with a totally closed mouth would be the only level of security with any kind of chance at sustained action. The Unabomber is an example of a completely insane version. John Ross's protagonist is a hypothetical example of a sane one.

NOTE: we are NOWHERE near the point where real-life Henry Bowmanism is called for and I think dedicated effort can keep us from that point.


Jim March

New member
One last detail:

Some self-titled "militias" are really grass-roots political organizations. There's nothing wrong with that per-se, but they'll attract too much official notice.

Far better for any such group to declare themselves a local policial org under the banner of a larger state-wide or nation-wide org, and escape serious scrutiny. Then, if the excrement well and truly hit the rotary air movement device, they'd have the option of "changing tactics" as perhaps a subset of a group who's already known to each other yet hasn't been subject to serious investigation and infiltration.

An undercover cop isn't going to spend a year+ doing once-a-week pizza-and-letter-writing sessions to legicritters.



New member

I agree that placing yourself in a situation of scrutiny and perhaps danger is a poor choice, but organization is needed.

What is a good idea for an organized group? This is touchy. A small group of close friends is ideal, but lacks punch, and a nationally organized group is too easy to spot.

This is something that I think many of us struggle with. We want to start positive change, and we need to be in an organized group to do so.

The Tyranny Response Team has a great idea. I hope that it takes off, big time.

Paul Revere

New member
Jack 99...

Negative. I am freelance.

Jim March...

Agreed, "Unintended Consequences" is an absolute must read for everyone here. Although I'd have to disagree with you on timing. There will NEVER be an ideal time to start cleaning up this mess. We live in a very dynamic world, it's constantly changing, and our enemies are developing a fine tuned system for manipulating the minds of our countrymen. The longer we wait, the more difficult our task to regain ground becomes. All conventional means of regaining ground are now obsolete. This is a very gloomy picture, but it is a realistic one.

In many ways, Unintended Consequences is a fantasy. It favors the good guys and makes the opposition look like bumbling fools (which most are). It also portrays a very nuetral president, which we all know is a fantasy. What it doesn't touch is the reality of our current administration, which has empowered itself to dictate instead of govern. The knee jerk Clinton administration would have a field day with Bowmanlike conquests. We could expect instantaneous martial law and other drastic "emergency" measures put in place. It would in fact be those acts which would justify militia witch hunts. Guaranteed.


Again, read, "Patriots, Surviving the Coming Collapse", by James Wesley Rawles. I am not saying that the scenario in the story is likely, but the detail of preparations including forming a "group", selecting its members, training, logistics, etc. are invaluable. Along with the detail, you're more than likely to pick up many hints about your personal preparedness.


New member
A militia is considered even more evil here in Canada. Survivalists can still get together and prepare without causing reason for concern. To see an example of what is in the works here go to http://www.northernsurvival.com Although it is only for Canadians the same could be done in the USA. :)