I want my MMM!!!


New member
Former County Councilman Mike Crossey, who attended Thursday's meeting as a candidate in the 42nd Legislative District, said in a position statement that his gun-safety platform includes mandatory child-safety locks with all gun sales, a ban on the sale of semiautomatic weapons to persons under 21 and required registration of sales for people who buy more than one gun a month.

"My gun-safety proposals do not restrict or hamper hunters, sportsmen or collectors in any manner," his statement says.

Anybody see what's wrong with that picture?


New member
"People -- and the media -- believe that people in Pennsylvania are pro-gun," he said. But he disagreed, saying. "More people in Pennsylvania are very interested in reducing gun violence."
:confused: Those dont seem to be mutually exclusive positions to me. But then, I'm not a gun grabber. :rolleyes:



New member
We need to start a campaign to ban 5 gallon buckets, cause they kill more children under 5yrs old than guns.

Oh and bathtub locks.....

And cars cannot be stored with gas in them...too dangerous.. BBQ's too..

Sounds like the Million Moron March... Anybody with me! :barf:

Nanaimo Barr

New member
lets see.. I know collectors who buy more than one at a time.. like estate sales.. collections.. but since his policies wont affect them ....


New member
yeah, runt

the 2A aint about sport shooting, hunting and collecting.......

besides they want all guns, including hunting rifles - those old nasty "sniper rifles" aka all scoped rifles :mad: :rolleyes: :barf:


New member
The most important thing we need are "politician-locks". Additional, there has to be a PIC (Politician Insanity Check). After that they'll get a shall-issue or a discretion-issue permit to "politishing" according to CCW laws in the appropriate states they are run for office.

We have a lot of "law-makers", what we terribly need are "law-reducers".