I want bigger!!!!


New member
I know, I know... But its what I want.. The other day, I was out at the range with a few buddies. We had 12 gauge 3.5, 30-06, 300 Win Mag and a 375 H#H mag.

I guess I was just begging for punishment, but I must have sent 20 3.5's out at clays, and a box of 375's down range. we were out of rounds and I was still wanting more. Friends thought I was nuts. lol... :cool:

So The Question: What do you think has a good wall-up?
Im in the market for a gun to plink with... I thought about a 50 BMG. But they are really really expensive. So how about one of these:

300 H and H mag
458 mag
700 Nitro (And I thought the 50 was expensive) $20,000? Right!

I do want to be able to reload it.
Chances are I will not be going to Africa so NO hunting.
Just want to shoot something, get bruised up and let people squeeze and then try to ride it out..

toss out your recommendations too please.....
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New member
How about something like .300 RUM?
Cases can be a little bit pricey, and they use a lot of powder but it's big, fun and fast.


New member
Oh yea. Forgot about that one. Kicks like a mule if I remember right. Never pulled on one before. May Have to look into that one.



New member
What about one of the big weatherby mags? 416wby or 460wby should get the job done. If weatherby doesn't tickle your fancy a ruger african in 458lott could be fun.


New member

One of the big 30 cal magnums will be cheapest to reload (30 cal bullets being quite common). Something like a 338 RUM or 340 WBY will kick more.

I remember someone, I think it was KraigWY, using 3/8" copper pipe cut to length to line his .375 bullet mold to make cheap .375 bullets to feed his 375 H&H. You could do the same thing with a 378 WBY which can be loaded much hotter than the older H&H.

Although if you really want recoil, 458 Lott or 460 WBY are the ones most noted for retina detaching recoil.

Plenty of hard kicking rifles out there.



New member
If you just want to get the snot kicked out of you on the cheap buy a lightweight 12 and shoot 3.5" lead turkey loads out of it.

For a rifle a lightweight Marlin 45-70 with the hotter loads kicks far out of proportion to the performance you get out the end of the barrel. Can be done fairly inexpensive.


New member
Don't underrate the suggestion of a shotgun. I've shot my 12-gage shotgun with 3-inch Brenneke Magnum Black Magic slugs. The recoil is worse than a max-loaded 45-70 even when using a gas operated shotgun with a recoil system. If all you want is recoil, then I'd suggest trying out the shotgun first, as it's relatively inexpensive, before jumping into a large bore rifle.


New member
This is nuts. :eek: I read every one of these posts, and you all are right on board enabling this poor deluded fellow to hurt himself. :confused:

Oh well.


New member
Come shoot my 416 Rigby, it'll break you of wanting "bigger".

That puppy will make you go hug your 243 Win.
My 416 Rigby is a ***** cat to shoot... of course the decelerator pad, & heavy barrel help some...:)

I agree with the Marlin Guide gun... I have some loads I picked up from a Mag article where the author took it to Africa to shoot cape buffalo ( actually killed 2 with one shot ( to the professional hunters disproval ) shot through both shoulders of a bull, exited & killed the cow standing behind as well...

when I 1st tried these loads in my Guide Gun, by 6-8 shots, I dislodged the factory sights :eek:

another option...you could pick up the light weight H&R rifled 12 ga chambered for 3.5" magnum shells... my smaller stature buddy bought one... after the 1st shot, I held up my arm, & stopped his rearward progress about 10ft from where he 1st stood when he pulled the trigger...

another, pick up a 8mm milsurp carbine, with the steel butt plate & straight stock... I sighted in one of these for my FIL many years ago... in the fall, with an army field jacket & sweatshirt on, I still ended up with a very bruised shoulder after 15-20 rounds fired... at least this one would give you a badge of honor for a while after you got done...

the 45-70 can be handloaded hot & reasonably cheaply, the 3.5" magnum slugs aren't cheap, but way, way less than the magnum rifle cartridges listed... but the 8mm milsurp ammo is probably the cheapest route to go...
I'll admit I've never shot "the H&R" 10 ga. but I went to the link, & it's 3 lbs heavier than the 3.5" 12 ga. not sure which would actually "kick" more ???

I did fire my buddies 12 ga. slug gun, & the recoil pad did a good job of taking the pain out ( unlike the steel butt plate 8mm in my previous post, which was actually painful even with a coat on ) but it's close to the most rearward thrust of anything I've shot...

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
A friend of mine had one of those break-open 10ga... didn't kick that bad. My dad's similar 12ga was much, much worse, at less than 1/2 the weight with no pad and maybe 2/3s the area on the stock. That 12 hurt worse with light loads than the 10 did with turkey loads. Worst gun I've ever shot.

Anyway, there are plenty of ways to hurt yourself with recoil. You really should reconsider though. Even if it's "fun" now it won't be fun forever. Recoil can hurt you, for real and permanently. I've never understood the fascination with hard-kicking guns. There aren't many activities where intentionally hurting yourself is considered normal.


New member
How about a .950? That might do it for you.

Even if you could find one of the handful of those rifles build, ammo is basically non-existent. But hey with that thing you only need one shot right. :D
