I want a pistol!!


New member
I want a pistol sometime in the next few months I already got the permit to buy. I am trying to decide which one to get. I would like to keep it under $500

I have been eyeing up the springfield XD and the Ruger SR9. They both feel good. The sr9 is recalled right now ( I was told). I played with the earlier ruger models and they didn't feel right they felt a little bulky. The mag capacity isn't a big deal to me wether it holds 10, 13, or17.

can anyone point me in the right direction as to which pistol might be better. Let me know about any good/bad experienced they might have had?? I do not have my heart set on either one of these if anyone has an opinion on some other brand!!

thank you

Rant Casey

New member
Try and go somewhere and rent the XD in whatever size you want or atleast handle it in a shop. They're great guns but everyone is different and I have met quite a few people, myself included that prefer glocks slightly in some situations.

Adventurer 2

New member
Kato Guy - you have to provide some more info:
Concealed carry, home defense, hunting, accuracy....what do you want it for? The more details the better.


New member
For a full sized all steel 9mm I bought a CZ75BD. For a compact lighter weight I bought a CZP-01. I might have been happier with the Compact. Don't need the light rail. I put a Kadet kit with the 75 to start. Shot the heck out of the 9mm and the .22.

Rifleman 173

New member
Check around your area. If you're lucky you could find a gun store with an indoor range attached that will rent different guns for you to try out. Try one of the bigger cities in Minnesota or even ask around at a local gun store, call the NRA or check at a local firearms range. Sooner or later you'll find an indoor range where you can rent guns. Take a few bucks because you'll need to pay to rent ear protection and to buy ammo specifically designed to be used at an indoor range. If you find a range near by, call them for prices of rentals, ear protection, eye protection and so on. Also ask what guns they have available to rent out. Nothing like testing the gun that you want to buy before you buy it.


New member
Steyr M9 or M40




New member
Try out a S&W Sigma series. I love mine and have put ~3000 through mine with not problems!

Did someone really just recommend a Sigma??

Takes all kinds I suppose...

Seriously though, I'd recommend a Glock 19. Small enough to carry, large enough to fit your hand well, long enough to enjoy plinking, and when packing 147gr Federal HST's it's good enough to protect you and yours.


New member

Please tell me what is wrong with the sigma? I know 4 other people that have them and they have no problems out of them either? I love all the bashing this guns gets from people that most likely have not even held one. I guess the guy can get a "block" and drink the kool-aid if he wants too.


+1 for the Steyr

I have a Steyr M9-A1 and an S-40. I love'em both!!! My wife has my S-9 I stopped carrying when I got the S-40. All three are great guns! Typical Austrian quality, accurate, and an all around nice shooting package. Very little recoil form any of them. I got an M40-A1 coming, too!

All that being said, my wife has a Springfield 1911 A1 Ultra-Compact V10 .45 that's a honey, too.


New member
You have a lot of choices. As has already been suggested, try finding a place to rent the guns to shoot before making a decision to buy. You could also join a gun range and go when they have an event. Most around here have some kind of event every weekend, be it cowboy shooting, IDPA...whatever. Shoot various makes and models if you can, it's like taking a car for a test drive.

Good guns in the $500 range include Glocks, S&W M&P's, FN FNP series, Beretta 92/96 series, Ruger P series, Springfield Armory's XD line and their 1911 line, etc. The list is long, but these come to mind. For a little more money, Sig's and HK's are also good, but they are priced higher. Of those I mentioned, Glocks have the advantage of relativly inexpensive and common magazines and holsters due to their popularity, and are a proven and well respected design.

Your needs and wants will dictate the model and caliber you choose.


New member
I suppose I should say I am just looking for a toy. It will more than likely be a 9mm. I am looking for something I can just go out and shoot but something that my wife can handle as well.

thanks for the quick replies



New member
Just handle as many as you can. If a gun shop near you rents guns fire the ones you have picked out as fittting and feeling right.
I like Glocks in 40 S&W and that is what I carry.


New member
I would look at the XD in 9mm, if it is really going to be a toy you could pick up the 5" tactical model and have a great range gun and a great home defense gun.

Honestly, I just picked up a .357 sig glock (I am not a huge fan of glocks but this gun just said buy me) and that round kicks the 9mm's butt into next week.


New member
I find it funny he said under $500, yet some people are suggesting guns that are $500-$550.

I don't know if you were talking about me, but you can get a brand new XD in 9mm or .40 around my parts for $469.00 and probably can get a few bucks off of that price if the shop likes you and you have bought from them before.


New member
I'd get a Glock 19. You can buy one in my market for about $489. But, I'd suggest that you go to a range so you and your wife can test fire several pistols.