I Want A New Webley

DT Guy

New member
Seriously, wouldn't it be cool to have a nice, modern break-top revolver in .357? Maybe .44 special? Super-fast reloads, with revolver reliability.

Or am I the only one who would buy one?



New member
No, I would buy one in a heartbeat. With the new steels out there, it should work out fine. It would really be cool if it looked like a vintage model. :D


New member
Write a letter to Mr. Aldo Uberti,,,

If anyone is going to make a decent reproduction of a gun,,,
Uberti is the company that will do it.


New member
Someone makes a Schofield repop right now, and it is very cool. However, it is expensive. A slow seller. I want one, but at that price, a Ruger Vaq looks real good. The new breaktop would have to be not real expensive, and I wonder if even with modern steels, it would hold together with .44 Mag pressures. The S&W 29 with a solid top strap had trouble with frames deforming until they were revised. May be just a dream...:eek:
What, like this? :eek:


In all seriousness, that latch is the weak point for the design. The chamber pressures for .357 ammunition are too high for it. .44 Special would be nice, but you still wouldn't want to run anything too punchy through it.

...which is the problem. Somebody would run barn-burners through it, and the possibility of breakage or injury would be enough to make the manufacturer twitchy about potential liability.

Uberti makes a neat one in .45 Colt, but IIRC, there are warnings in the manual about not going crazy with handloads.


New member
An Indian gun maker produces Webleys in .32 and .38. Sorry no big calibers.

Uberti does have a Schofield clone in .38 and .45 as Greco and Tom indicate.

DT Guy

New member
I could live with a .455 quite easily. Even a 38 special, if need be.

I'll have to look for the Schoenfield repro-any word on accuracy and longevity of that design?


44 AMP

Small market, and sadly, its all about the money

Top break revolvers, even with modern steels just don't have the frame strength of solid frame guns. They cannot handle the high pressures of magnum rounds. So, lots of people will pass, as they can't get a .357 or .44mag for defense.

While they can take the .45 Colt or .45acp, cost would be higher than a swing out DA revolver, for no practical benefit. As a historical replica, they sell small numbers, at pretty high prices, compared to a basic swing out DA revolver.

But yes, they are soo cool!

DT Guy

New member
I can't help but wonder what somebody like Jerry Miculek, with a few years of practice, could do with an auto-ejecting revolver....is it wrong to hope it could get 'semi-auto' fast?


James K

Member In Memoriam
Another problem with a break top revolver and long cartridges is the "throw" of the ejector cam, which in the conventional system can't handle a long extractor. There are ways around that, but only by adding yet other complications.
