I want a glock 42. California

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New member
First off, is that pistol legal to own in your state?
If not, I'd forget the idea of owning one.
But if is legal, I would think most any gun shop would have them. If not, try Gunbroker.
Any out of state purchase would have to go thru an FFL in California.
Don't know if you're familiar with CalGuns forum but there's people there more knowledgeable than me on California gun laws. Good luck.


New member
Must not be drop safe. Only reason I can think it isn't legal. Shame, your missing out on a nice little gun.
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New member
How sad.......so many guns, such a small list.:rolleyes:

"No Generation 4 Glock handguns have been approved as of: Monday, February 02, 2015"

Glad there not in a hurry, how long have gen 4's been out?


New member
Must not be drop safe. Only reason I can think it isn't legal
Not hardly! Some quick research will reveal the costly PITA requirements manufacturers most go thru to get their guns on the California Approved list. Many are not wanting to deal with it anymore.



New member
The only way to purchase off roster handguns as of Jan 1 is by Private Party Transfer and must be done through an FFL.


New member
Also, most newer guns are not on the roster due to requirements such as microstamping. NONE of the manufacturers are willing to do this, so the roster continues to dwindle. We are not a less than 800 models on the roster and many of those are obsolete.

Evil Monkey

New member
That's how second amendment rights die. By grotesque legal regulatory legislation.

Keep making it harder and harder, jumping through more and more hurdles, and nobody wants to try anymore.
No new Glocks will be on the approved list until and unless Peña v. Cid (now Peña v. Lindley) is won. The CA roster is requiring features on guns that either don't exist in the market place (microstamping) or that manufacturers do not and will not include in their handguns. Smith and Wesson and Ruger are also partially or completely withdrawing from the CA handgun market due to the restrictions.


The only way to purchase one as a CA resident is to buy one from a LE officer or from someone who legally brought it in to the state upon moving to CA.

Until recently, one could convert an off roster pistol to single shot (cannot accept a magazine) for the transfer, then convert it back. The CA legislature plugged that loophole . . . as if any criminal would go to such trouble to legally acquire an off roster gun.
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