I wanna Sigma!!!!


New member
Yeah, I know all about the rep!!
That's why I'm asking.
I had a chance to handle one of these beasts yesterday and I found the ergonomics to be ...well...very pleasing!! :eek:
What I want to know, has the new improved Smith and Wesson improved the quality of these pistols or are they just the same crappy Sigmas of old!!

Anybody have a new one??
How does it shoot and, most importantly, how's the reliability????

In this case, a non response will speak very loudly!!! ;)


New member
The newer enhanced models are suppose to be much better than the first batch that S&W put out, but anything would have been better than those. I remember helping a friend with a .40SW model that refused to even make it thru an entire mag without several failures. It almost earned frequent flyer miles going back and forth to the factory.


New member
My advice is to pick one up and closely check out how well it is put together.The one that I have was made in March/04. I will have to admit that the trigger is like no other weapon and it takes some "learning" to shoot the weapon proficiently. I found that after much dry firing, the trigger got better and my trigger finger got used to it. I am much more comfortable shooting the sigma than the glock .

Overall I am just impressed with the smooth-solid fit of the slide to the frame,and the slide to the barrel. I shoot mine well enough that I just qualified with it(did not get to shoot it before going to the range)! I had no failures of any kind---was using Federal 180 grain hydra shocks. I have other guns , mostly Smiths, but I really like this one. I may try to arrange the finances around to get another one before the prices start going up. :)

Dave Ginn


New member
Thank you denfoote!

I thought I was alone in my hankerin' for the thing! I shot one of the originals years ago, and was as pleased by the frame's ergonomics as I was displeased by the three or four failures out of fifty rounds. I've seen some pretty tempting deals on the Sigma's lately, but there's little use in buying a gun I'll be too embarrassed to take to the range!:D I also look forward to the feedback.


New member
I shot a used one. Was the kind with the stainless or nickle plated slide.
Was surprised that it chocked on the same batch of Gold- Dot reloads
that my .40 caliber CZs just ate up without complaint.

The trigger on the S&W reminded me alot of my CZ-100.


New member
Sigma Quality.

The quality of the Sigmas has always been spotty. My estimation, based on the various reports, has been in the range of 50%. If you have a good one, then it's probably as good as the finest pistols out there. However, if you have a bad one, it becomes the worst nightmare you could imagine!! I had heard that there were some problems S&W could not fix on the bad ones!!
Before I plop down a couple of hundred dollars on a gun, I want some reasonable assurance it will function!!!

Te Anau

New member
I got one of the 9x19's from CDNN and am very happy.Build quality is excellent and ergonomics are second to none.The ones they are selling have the loaded chamber indicator and a decent trigger.I have no regrets.


New member
I suggest you PM a few of the folks posting here:


I have an older one and, after a trip back to the factory for a mag release issue, it's worked very well. I've been tempted by the new ones, but I have lots of .40s and 9 (most of which are Glocks) and I have other desires I want to pursue first. I may have to pick up a 9mm Sigma if the ban sunsets and mags go back to sane prices.