I traded my Glock for a.....


New member
Just curious as to what former Glock owners traded their once beloved Glocks in for. Please answer in the following format.

What did you have?

What did you trade it for?

What influenced your decision?


New member
Traded in my model 19 for a High Power. After a few weeks of FTF's and stovepipes, I traded the High Power for a Glock 17. I have found Glocks to be the most reliable auto I have owned without question. Even my Smith model 60 jammed up one time,needed to be taken apart to fix.


New member
1) About 20 years ago, I had a first gen 17 and a couple of 19's.

2) Went back to a Colt Commander.

3) The 17 had a reoccurring problem with the trigger not letting off when pulled, even after multiple trips back to Glock and having it declared fixed.

That 17 and how Glock treated me at the time with the repair, soured me on them for a long time. Took me about 20 years, but Ive since got over it. After getting tired of fiddling with the 1911's, and a short stint with SIG's, I went back with Glock, and they now have pretty much replaced all but a few of the others.


New member
I traded this G26.


For this 629.

For hunting!

I loved the little Glock and I do miss it, but I couldn't pass up the 629!! I've always wanted one.

chris in va

New member
My 21SF will probably get swapped for a CZ 97b here soon. While the thing is dead reliable, I can't get used to the weird grip angle, and really don't want to go with a grip reduction, which seems like a Frankenstein fix for something Glock should have designed in the first place.

Deaf Smith

New member

I'm a might partial to the 629 to, but I favor the 4 inch version.

Still trade a Glock for it?


Look guys, I am a Glock man. Pack'em every day and I swear by their reliability, but I've got plenty and would be happy to trade one for a good 629 or Ruger Redhawk!

Now I said trade ONE, not trade them all.

But I do respect Glocks.. and 629s to.

You did well Punchin!



New member
Yes I traded my G26 +3 mags for the 629 and a box of ammo.
I like the 4" my self, but the 6" has treated me well.
All in all I'm a happy hunter!!


New member
I forgot to mention that even if you traded a Glock for a Glock, please post as well. My neighbor traded his G30 for a G26. He said the G30 was too bulky when he would CCW. Now he says the G26 is hardly noticeable.


New member
For a hunting revolver, I like at least a 6" barrel. Some states require the barrel be at least 6" for hunting.


New member
I traded my Glock 32 for a Springfield XD 4" in 357SIG.

I traded it because I ended up liking the XD pistols better. It was a lot of little things about the XD that I liked over the Glock. One of my pet peeves with the compact and sub-compact glocks is that on reloads I pinch my hand between the mag and the frame pretty regularly. I also dislike the stock slide and mag release glock uses. It shot well and functioned perfectly, but in the end the XD was maore comfortable and fit me better. Strangely enough, I have no issues with the mag pinching my hand on a full size glock, just the smaller models.


New member
Traded both a G19 and 34 towards Beretta 92s. Was sick of plastic pistols, reliability problems and the terrible grip of the Glock. Couldnt be happier and added my 3rd Beretta a few months ago. No more cheap plastic and stamped metal for me.;)


New member
Having had a number of Glocks in .45 auto and 10mm auto over the years, including a G29 which was my main carry pistol for over seven years, I replaced them all with Colts in .45 acp and 10mm and haven't looked back.


New member
Traded a Block 36 for a 686+.
I have since traded that one as well as it wasn't a "keeper". Those are two of the very few I have traded.



New member
I have a G35 and G23 and carry them daily. I used to have the G22 and G27. I didn't need a second full-sized duty weapon, so the G22 went toward getting my wife's first revolver, a S&W 66. I hated the G27. I don't like sub-compacts. My hands are just go big for them. It got me a Jericho 941, a gun I really wish had more aftermarket support.


New member
I picked up a full size M&P in 9mm to replace my Glock 23. I really like my Glock but the M&P feels and shoots so much better and I was going broke shooting .40 caliber

Dave T

New member
I traded a 2nd Gen G22 plus magazines and some ammo for a Dan Wesson PointMan 7 in 45 ACP.

Got rid of the 40 S&W Glock because I prefer the 10mm and 45 ACP Glocks I still have.



New member
I went in reverse- sold a Colt Defender and bought a Glock 36. Durable, fool-proof, feels great in the hand, and I can throw it in the dishwasher to clean it!