I took my wife shooting today for her first time.


New member
After many invitations, she finally accepted to go try it.:cool: I asked her before hand if she would going to shoot the 45, sure she said, I'll try it once. My son, whose 21, said, no way Mom, that thing will knock you down.:mad: Dad, there's no way she should shoot that "thing".

So we go shooting, I start her out with the Ruger Mark 111 with a red dot. She does fine, showed her how to load the mags, load the gun etc. etc. After a few clips I move her over to my 617, which is scoped. Did ok, but didn't like the cocking part so much. She goes back to the Ruger. After a hundred rounds or so I pull out the 45 and shoot it. She watches. I ask, wanna try it. Sure , she says, all 125 pounds of her.:p

I show her how the gun works, load a mag, and get her set up. She fires, (I'm standing right behind her) and she is still standing. She finishes the clip, hitting just below where she's aiming, a 1-2 foot group at 15 yds. She asks, can I load a magazine. Ok.......I say. And about 75 rounds later, I've created a monster..:rolleyes: ........................ck

Wyo Cowboy

New member
I understand... My wife took lessons because I had a 1911 in the house for SD. By the time she was done she had (has) a custom fitted Colt Gvmnt 1911, tuned to her; a Winchester 1892 and she has decided that one of my Kimbers has mysteriously beclome "hers" :eek:

Good luck... and enjoy the ride.


New member
Yep I took my Wife shooting for the 2nd time in 4yrs, the first time she shot some .22 LR's the second .38 spl. revolvers a Mod. 10-5 6", and two snubbs a S&W MOD.36 and a Taurus M-85ss . She liked the Mod. 10 , and 85 the most, she did not like S.A. so most of her shooting was in D.A. Range to target was 5 and 7 yrds. by the end of the session she was grouping 2 1/2" @ 5yrds with the M-85 loaded with +p ammo and slow fire D.A. :) I started her out with mild reloads 4.4 grns of W-231 under 125 gr. swc.
As it was getting late, I mentioned we should be headin home, Her reply was we still have ammo left, she wanted to better her previous group :D
The M-85 is Her's, now for the CC Permit. :cool: