I thought they would be better!


New member
I bought two bags of Norma 22-250 brass the other day, I weighed and measured for length on a few of them (10) and was suprised how much difference there was, over a gram diff. in weight and up to 1 hundredth diff. in length. I have 100 Nosler brass for my 25-06 and they are incredibly way more consistant. Maybe I expected to much!!!


New member
I bought 100 a couple weeks ago. Extreme weight spread was .9gr for the 100. Length was 1.900" to 1.902" for the 100. Flash holes perfect, necks perfect and chamfered, body's perfect. Maybe you got a bad bunch, but mine were the finest brass I've ever seen. Hopefully I'll have these around for a while.:confused:


New member
The only thing I can think of is if they were blems? They were in the bargain cave at Cabelas, they were regular $48 for 50 then they marked them down to $39 then they dropped them to $29 so I bought 2 bags. Been watching them since before Christmas. I noticed on other web sites they only offer them in 20 per. box or 100 per box or more, no 50s.


New member
Return 'em

Well, if they're blems and they weren't marked as such, you might want to return them - although most folks don't take returns on ammo, and I'd have to wonder if Cabela's would take returned brass.

It might be worth a note to the manufacturer - they're a "top of the line" brand, and most folks manufacturing sporting goods are pretty darned good to their customers who aren't satisfied. It can't hurt to ask - maybe they'd be willing to send you replacements. Give them a chance to make it right with you.

Good luck! :)


New member
The weight of the cases is not the important thing. It's the weight of the case subtracted from the weight of the case full of water to dertermin the VOLUME OF THE CASE.

I used to weigh my cases as above, but now use another method. I fireform my new cases when I am working up loads or plinking. After tumbling, I resize, trim to length, debur necks and flasholes, then measure the volume using a volumetric titrating burrette with slightly soapy water. I never do weigh the cases.

P.S. I leave the spent primer in until after the volumes are determined.