I Thought Buying Ammo Was Supposed To Be Fun


New member
Well, I've been wanting to add to the ammo stash, so, I've been looking at Aim Surplus when they email me about new products. I went to order a few things from them today and kept running into the "SOLD OUT" notification on every item I wanted. I was just a couple of days too late.

I ended up going to a local sporting goods store where it is next to impossible to get any help and walked out with .45acp, .38 Special, 9mm, .380acp and some 12g 00Buck for a total of 630 rounds.

It wasn't that fun picking the stuff up because I understand why it is gone online - Panic Buying.


New member
Try Grafs. At least their sight says up front which ones are out of stock instead of waiting until you try to order.


New member
ammunitiontogo.com is one of my fav sites. Picked up a new .308 today, heh pickings are already getting slim for ammo for it. Glad I tend to pick up a little here and a little there for the other calibers I own.


New member
Buying ammo quits being fun when you have to go to the bank for a loan first. :) I am so glad I have been reloading for most of my calibers for 40 years now. The equipment has paid for itself many times over.


New member
I see Natchez has increased .223 by 30 percent. Does anyone think the ammo prices will go down once the buying settles down or are we stuck with .50 cent shots from now on? I might as well shoot my Garand now, it cost almost the same.


New member
Buying ammo quits being fun when you have to go to the bank for a loan first

A good argument for reloading here. It's bad enough that I have to buy .22 ammo, which is really scarce these days in my local shops.


New member
Whats going to happen to all the Ranges and Clubs that depend on shooters actually firing the ammo for recreation? If it's hard or impossible to get or costs too much people will just keep it and not use it. Then the ranges go out of business and you have nowhere to use the ammo anyway. What a sad chain of events.


New member
It isn't gone. There may be a few places sold out, but there is still PLENTY of ammunition online.

I'm not familiar with a lot of places online, so, I don't feel real comfortable shopping with just anyone. I've been using Aim off and on for 4 or 5 years. I know all online dealers are not out, but I was amazed at how many items were out of stock at Aim so quickly.