I think the panic is over? .223 AR's

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New member
I think the panic is over on the .223 Ar's My local gun stores have a bunch, My local Walmart has them in stock. The AR's selling on Armlist (local) have a bunch and the prices are at normal now, in fact they are not selling.

2 weeks ago you could not find a AR with out paying arm and leg.

Now just have to wait for the .223 ammo to become available without selling a organ.


New member
Im seeing the same thing here in NC. Ammo, reloading supplies and a few black guns are starting to show up in limited supply versuses bare shelves. 22RF is still non existant though. Things are slowly improving.


New member
Prices are still inflated compared to October 2012. I will continue to wait it out. I plan to buy another AR at the end of the year. Magazines are available now and reasonably priced. No reason to think everything else won't follow suit. Main problem is people buying up all the ammo to resell at higher prices.


New member
I hope you guys are right. I know at least for me there will be a whiplash effect too.

If & when things get back to normal. I'm going to buy lots of bricks of .22LR & primers.

...bug ;)


New member
Whoop whoop...Sarcasm Alert....Whoop whoop

It can't be getting better! Prices cannot begin to go back! This is the "new normal", remember?

Whoop whoop...All Clear... Whoop whoop

My LGS has ARs in many names, styles, price points, PTRs, M-1As, and an AK on the shelf. They are still elevated, but coming down.

Ammo is still scarce.


New member
Agreed. When J&G and Both have ARs in stock for (close to) normal prices, give or take 200 dollars, I think the manufacturers are starting to recover. Also the magazine market is back, for the most part- there actually ARE magazines to buy now...
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