I think political correctness has infected....

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New member
..some of the site police here...each having a pet subject to lock up upon discovering it....that's all I have to say...


3 - 2 - 1 - Thread lock.

It is no pet subjects that the mod's lock down. Once they (the mod's) have had enough BS, the lock the thread, wash their hands of it. Seems reasonable to me. They have been picked to moderate this forum, that we VISIT.


Marko Kloos

New member
If this board is too "PC" for you, there are literally thousands of other venues out there for your enjoyment.

The accusation of "political correctness" has become to the right what "racist" is to the left--a convenient blanket accusation that can be hurled against anyone so that the accuser may claim the moral high ground in a debate.

The owner of this site and the volunteer staff have asked you repeatedly, frequently, ad nauseum, to refrain from discussing certain topics on TFL because of their divisiveness, contentiousness, and pure shrillness factor. Yet you continue to whine about not being allowed to debate these subjects, to the point of hurling public accusations of "political correctness" at the people who provide you with this venue.

Is that considered polite where you live? Because where I live, we consider that rude, not to mention stubborn, ungrateful, and annoying.

If you do not like the way this board is run, or the topics acceptable for public discussions, then go somewhere else, but stop clogging up Rich's frequency with your whining.

How's that for "political correctness"?
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