I think I heard gunshots the other night

aikidoka - mks

New member
Im sitting in my apt watching tv and I hear pop...pop, pop. I look out the window and see a car drive past. I called 911 and then eventually went to bed. I'm woke up several hours later by the same sound - just once this time I think. I then hear a cat meowing so loudly over and over that I think its my cat and that he must have gotten into something - maybe knocked a lamp over. Well it turned out that was not the case and this cat was still making noise. I called 911 again and they said they had police in the area and that someone else had called the first time also. The cat sound eventually died out. Im glad I live on the 3rd floor and have several ways of defending myself. I hope no one was hurt. Is it possible this was not gunshots?



New member
As long as the dust (err ... concrete?) ain't kickin' up 'round you; nothing to worry 'bout.

Should live in the rural country ... even here, thunder on a sunny day. ;)


New member
It's possible that the sounds you heard weren't gunfire...could have been fireworks.

It's a stretch, but...Probably safer to call 911, get away from windows and outside walls, and chill. Maybe do a little mental rehersal of your...options, so to speak. 'Course, I started doing this little routine while living in West Baltimore, especially after a round came through the front window. You're knowledge of the immediate area may not include the list of gang-bangers and crack ho's that mine did!

Where in IN are you?



New member
Here in Southern California we hear the pop-pop-pop from time to time. Usually followed by sirens and probably the LASD helicopter. Whats scary is to walk outside and see a magazine worth of spent casings under your truck maybe 20-40 feet from the door. This past summer that went on almost nightly for a few weeks. I made sure to keep a couple firearms loaded and nearby. BG's have a tendency to try hiding in backyards or houses and such.

Man, I need to move....

aikidoka - mks

New member
I live in Hammond, in an area that really isnt that bad so I was surprised and thought it would be safer to call 911 just in case. Ive heard fireworks before from inside the apt and that was my first thought but it did sound different enough to warrant the call. I wasnt worried much for myself as i do live on the 3rd floor, the balcony is concrete with brick walls and I am armed.

I suppose I could call the police information line and see if anything was found out.
