I think I get overly upset


New member
When I see someone shooting a handgun all "Gangsta" style: limp wristed, side-ways and above their head.

I don't know how it started, or why these people insist on continuing shooting this way, but I'd like to meet the guy who started it and slap him across the head. Idiots.


New member
I thought that Chinese taught it to their agents so the muzzle jump would help the gun move quicker to the next target in the room.

I got that from MGS3: Snake Eater so I could be wrong though:D. A lot of their other gun knowledge in the game was pretty good though.


I thought that Chinese taught it to their agents so the muzzle jump would help the gun move quicker to the next target in the room.

Broomhandle Mauser, machine pistol version. Holding it sideways would make it fan across a line of enemy instead of climbing.


New member
I'm not sure if this started in the movies or if the movies picked up on it from survellience videos of convenience store robberies. Holding the gun high, sideways and pointing it down is how some gang-members shot crouching store operators over the counters in hold-ups in the 80's IIRC.

Yes, it's stupid, but I'd rather have the BG's using poor techinques prone to failure than practicing something that works.

For what it's worth, a recent FBI study showed that BGs practice more often than cops, falsely beliving that cops spend a lot of time shooting. Instead of practicing for precision, however, the BGs practice point-shooting more. Perhaps that, coupled with surprise, is why they score hits on officers more than the cops score hits on the BGs.

The Tourist

Believe it or not, I first saw Glenn Ford cant his SAA revolver in an old western. Had to be late 1940's or early 1950's.


New member
It seems to me that shooting gangsta style is a good way to have your face peppered with hot brass, which might also explain the holding the gun above one's head while shooting.

44 AMP

Different theories (in no particular order)

Shooting crouching store clerks

Secret technique taught to special agents to use recoil to fan shots across

Gangsta style for shooting through small window opening during drive by

Endorsed by Hollywood SAG & directors because gun does not hide actor's face from most camera angles

Macho posturing derived from ancient tribal threat displays

make up your own!

One is as good as another, but personally, I like the crouching store clerks/endorsed by Hollywood, and of course, imitated by idiots at ranges nearly everywhere (or so I hear).

I, personally have never seen anyone shoot like this in real life. Maybe I'm just lucky, maybe I don't get out enough, or maybe the ranges I go to attract people who (by and large) generally know what they are doing. Either way, it is funny to watch on TV! And before somebody comes unglued over the "improper gun handling" in todays video, take a look at the old westerns and see how many of the cowboys whip the revolver in a throwing motion as they shoot, like they are throwing the bullets out the end of the barrel. Especially from a galloping horse! Both yesterday and today it is done simply for dramatic visual effect (for the film) not for any benefit to shooting.


New member
Just a note

It seems to me that shooting gangsta style is a good way to have your face peppered with hot brass, which might also explain the holding the gun above one's head while shooting.

Ok...I grew up around a goodly number of bad people, referred to as 'gangsters,' 'thugs,' bangers,' etc on this board, none of them ever held their gun in this fashion. It isn't practical. Most of them barely raise a weapon up to shoulder level, much less over the head.

The Tourist

Do you think most gangstas have ever even shot a pistol?

I doubt many are NRA members, shoot skeet or even frequent the ranges I do.

Unless they are shooting up the basements of some tenement house, where do they go to practice?


New member
another note

Do you think most gangstas have ever even shot a pistol?

Yes, as far as where to practice, they do it like all po' folk in the ghetto. They depend on the fact that most of their neighbors won't call the police. At least, that was the sentiment where I grew up...


New member
Why get upset over how someone shoots their gun? Does it bother you when they run those torture tests? When they shoot them underwater? Explain Mel Gibson rolling on the ground firing as he rolls over and over. As long as they are making sure I won't get hurt they can all the fun they want.


New member
Bad Guys Do Practice

About two months ago I was the range and was quite alarmed by the group on the next lane. There was an older gentleman of about 40 yrs of age, who if I had to guess his profession I would say probably crack dealer (I am not kidding about this), along with 3 teenagers, maybe 15 or 16 who - I dont even know a good euphemism so I'll just say - looked like total thugs. He was teaching them proper shooting technique, including demonstrating how holding your gun "gansta style" ( sideways ) is not good from an accuracy standpoint. We also overheard him giving pointers like you should pick up spent casings at the range to drop at a crime scene if you ever shoot someone; I had never heard of this or even thought of it prior to this, although I have seen this mentioned on this forum a few times (I just found TFL last month). The older guy also had a small revolver in a holster on his belt in plain view - which I'm not sure is allowed at this range (I think you are supposed to have all firearms in a case or bag but I might be wrong). I can only assume this guy is carrying legally, which is kind of scary to me. I am guessing this guy was not involved in Big Brothers Big Sisters and it really gave me the creeps shooting next to these guys. Dont even remember what my point was. Oh yeah, I'm sure theres lots of gangsta/thug/criminal types out there who don't really know much about guns, have never shot a gun (but may have one) and so on, who will hold their gun like this when they shoot at you. It was sobering and upsetting to stand next to people like this while they basically train for murdering someone . :mad: BGs practice too.

The Tourist

dbl bbl daryl said:
It was sobering and upsetting to stand next to people like this while they basically train for murdering someone

When we moved into our new house, I laid out all of the "shooting lanes" eminating from our safe room. I figured the lights would be out, it would dark, and home invaders would most likely choose a time when they thought my family was helpless.

In having ample time to visualize where someone was standing when the floors creaked, and then adjusting to see where I had to hold for center mass, I was training to take a life.

It is sobering. I imagined seeing my wife crying, clutching our pets, kneeling in the safe area, thugs violating our home, a nervous 9-1-1 call and the helpless minutes ticking away like hours. You take a breath, snap on the SureFire and empty a magazine down the hallway.

So, along with warm clothes (to run at night), extra batteries, knives, ammo to fit all of the firearms, a locked Halliburton case and other sundries, I prepared for the worst.

You'll never shoot at beer cans the same way.


New member
For some reason, my range buddy finds it really amusing, as well as shooting from the hip. He then complains about how much ammo costs.:rolleyes:

Personally, I like hitting my target, and while he is safe when he shoots in those akward and stupid looking ways, it bugs me too. You are not alone! I don't even know why shooting from the hip is so popular......it doesn't look cool at all to me!

I've always wanted to make a video poking fun at the S.A.S.S. and instead of a western theme, it's gangsta's. So you get people in Tall-T's and wife beaters and baggy clothing, with guns that have the sights mounted on the side of the slide (ala homie sights) and you have them shoot stages like shooting over bar counters, to shooting out of a window at targets moving parallel to them (simulated drive-by) and then they have to run so many yards hopping fences to get to a hiding place and throw a simulated (blue) gun a certain distance from them to avoid having it found by the police. Maybe in a designated ring or something.

I may still make that video if I can find somewhere to do it safely.


New member
So, did they pepper themselves when that semi ejected brass, Doug?

Inquiring minds want to know. My eyelid says (based on past experience) that the answer could be "yes." :D


New member
Has anyone thought to call or better yet text message a cop friend to come check to see if any possible BG's on the range are felons and thus not allowed to possess the firearms they're practicing with? The thought would cross my mind to want to stop a crime before it happens.