I Think Guns Have "Jumped The Shark" For Me


New member
I don't mean that I don't like guns anymore. I mean that for the last five years I have spent a lot of time reading about, shopping for, talking about, and buying guns. On the other hand, I haven't got to spend as much time shooting as I would like due to overcrowded ranges.

Now, I have ended up with a lot more guns than I care to shoot on a regular basis wishing I would have spent the extra money on ammo and reloading supplies.

I still stop by the local shops but rarely find anything that even remotely interests me. I've seen it all before and I can only stand to look at so much of this new stuff. There just isn't anything that says "craftsmanship" to me anymore. I'm not saying that today's offerings don't due the job, but I guess I'm saying that for me they just don't look as good doing it.

I guess I need to check to see if the ranges have opened up at all and get back to the root of things.


New member
Shooting is like any other hobby to me. My interest comes and goes in terms of shooting. My life does not revolve around being able to shoot a gun, but it's nice to be able to do so when I feel the urge.

The same applies to collector stuff. I will be hard core for 5 years and then almost completely shut down any new acquisitions for an equal amount of time.

I personally think that the quality of new guns isn't bad overall. There are brands that I won't buy however. There does seem to be more lemons these days, but I think in part it is because in prior years, nobody or very few people even knew about the lemons and it was dealt with between you, the gun shop, and the manufacturer and you moved on. There were no gun forums to advertise the lemons or people who freely give advice based on their own experience. I have many times purchased a gun just to try it out. Magazines only went so far.


New member
I guess I need to check to see if the ranges have opened up at all and get back to the root of things.

That's me as well. Need to join the gun club at my new place and start doing some really serious shooting. Can't wait to move and do just that. I've got so many weapons that I haven't fired in years and newer ones that I haven't fired enough yet. If I don't ever buy another weapon, I'm quite sure I'll be quite content.


New member
I am in a slightly similar situation, haven't gone shooting in a LONG time and haven't reloaded in YEARS, a combination of some other activities-helping friends work on their houses,teaching community college part time, etc. I read the gun magazines in Barnes & Noble, buy only if there is a historical article that is a keeper. I used to read the bicycling magazines years ago, lost interest in them, short shelf life, repetitiousness, too many new famgled gadgets that didn't interest me, etc. Used to haunt the gun shops regularly, rarely visit them at present. Having joined the 150 Club-159 to be precise-I am not exactly deprived and being primarily a collector I find owning guns is like owning coins or stamps or artwork, the satisfaction is in the ownership and the contemplation.


New member
I am a member of a private club and rarely go. I go more often to a free range. I'm usually by myself there on weekdays and can relax and shoot without all the rules at the formal ranges.