I think every Forum on TFL now has references to the SHTF

Jamie Young

New member
So now I have to ask a question.............

Do you think America is a socially stable country?

100yrs ago people rang the church bell to call the people for an emergency. People ran into town to find out where the fire was or who needed to be helped. People lined up passing buckets of water from a stream,or well, to save a home or a life.

Do we still have that mentality?

Sept 11th exposed the heroism of the NYPD and NYFD, But it also brought out the fraud,and corruption, of so many organizations and selfish individuals. The insurance frauds, people who died in the WTC had their homes robbed, and people were stealing stuff from the WTC ruines.

Shortly after Sept 11th there was suppose to be a Gun Show in Fort Washington PA. I believe it was on the 16th or 17th of Sept. The FBI shut the gun show down because they were afraid of too many people "panic buying." Although I'm sure some of you will give me flak for agreeing with the FBI, but everyone I know wanted to get to that show and buy another 1000rds of ammo for SHTF scenarios.

Where is the paranoia coming from? Have the riots in LA and Chicago told us anything about the hidden social instability of inner cities? Is that what we think about with all the references to SHTF scenarios?

Is America a socially stable country?


New member
People as individuals are great. Mob mentality is a different beast. Some groups form for bad purposes.

I find it troubling when the paramedics need armed guards and hospital wards are not safe zones. The gang activity in some areas is like a sub government with very local control. We don't have a say in their bylaws either.

Oh well, love thy neighbor but don't give up your blaster.


Member In Memoriam
Sorry, Cal4D4, but people, as individuals are still individuals & most likely are stupid - cut 'n dried.

When SHTF, perceived or not, they get dumber, & worse.

There ain't 1 in 10 that has a clue how to start a fire, or put one out, without a "guvmint offic-i-al" tellin' 'em what to do (which will not get the job done correctly, BTW) & IMHO.

"We" are stupid & getting moreso. Yip.

Mayhaps that where you live, you see different & lucky you, but in my neck of the woods, we've become fodder. & I can't say much better for the 'net community, all told.

Mostly, we're all ready to buy into "it."

Certainly, we all want to do the right thing, but so few know what that is anymore that .... well, just pitch the car keys to the closest 5-year old .... Punch it, Baby!

Apple a Day

New member
Hey, I've got a question:
Why the %^$#! would it bother anyone if people have another 1000 rounds of ammunition? :mad:
Seriously! Why?! Does it pose a threat to the stability of the free world if a herd of people want another k of ammo sitting in the basement? So some people get an extra rifle or pistol as an emotional pacifier, does that violate any law? No?! Then what right does the FBI have to step in and keep people from buying it? :barf:
Did the FBI go to the local grocery stores and stop people from hoarding canned goods and bottled water? Did they go to the local liquor store and stop people from getting a little liquid stress relief? Did they stop people from buying 'personal lubricant' to prevent the invitable blip in the birth rate? No? THEN WHY DO THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO BREAK UP A GUN SHOW OR IN ANY OTHER WAY INFRINGE ON THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS?


New member
Some friends and I have what we call the "stupidity index"...And right now its running about 95%...In other words 95% of the people are acting too stupid to be allowed to reproduce....I think that RIGHT THIS MINUTE, the U.S. is socially fairly stable, however its moving towards the brink way too fast.... Now, having said THAT, I think there's still only about .0001 percent probability of SHTF, on the scale that we talk about it here (rioting, mobs, etc.) except at a VERY localized level (that the authorities could PROBABLY cope fairly well with)... However, as I mentioned in one of the SHTF threads I consider myself "prepared" but not "paranoid"... I'm not prepared to "bug out"(would hunker down, instead), not hoarding large amounts of food and water...Only got about 1000 rounds of ammo, total, figure if I need more than that I'm seriously screwed anyway...


New member

I'd say the answer is yes. America is a socially stable country. People tend to pull together more in crisis than they do in good times, and thats what keeps it stable.

Remember that the blood banks after 9/11 were clogged with donors, too.

Also, look at what happened to countries in WWII when they got bombed. Bombing didn't cause the country to become unglued. Instead, civilians pulled together to defeat the enemy.

People, as individuals, are worried about getting hurt. That's why all the SHTF talk.

- pdmoderator

Scott Conklin

New member
No, the US is not a socially stable country. It long since passed that stage and it is held together now, and has been for a couple decades, by massive authority, bureaucracy and injections of free cash. If any of those are removed your metro areas will come apart at the seams. Your suburbs will disintegrate from the urban exodus and your rural areas may or may not cope. Most rural residents are no more able to take care of themselves than the hive dwellers are but at least they have some advantages.

I'd agree the stupidity index is 95% or higher. The SHTF Propability index is that high as well, though. It will happen, on a national scale, within five to 7 years. Economic collapse is a possible cause as is major food production problems, but the most likely cause will be a "terrorist" nuke, "dirty" bomb or biological attack. One nuke would shut this nation down from coast to coast. Complete abject terror. Same with a biological. Either one plopped into the heart of the Nanny State would leave half the population without employment, food and/or income. For a population bred for generations to be incapable of taking care of themselves that's all it takes.

All these SHTF posts? They are there because, conciously or subconciously, people are realizing en masse just how dependent we are and how dangerous that is in the current world situation.
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Jamie Young

New member
Why the %^$#! would it bother anyone if people have another 1000 rounds of ammunition?

Nothing wrong with that.:)

Even www.ammoman.com issued a statement on his website after Sept 11th that people had to calm down and "NO PANIC BUYING" because he was getting sick of people calling up and asking for 10,000rds of this and 10,000 rds of that. Its a sign of paranoia if your going to be buying in quantities like that. It throws up flags.

There's also nothing wrong with owning 10,000rds of ammo either. I'm probable pretty close to that with all My reloading. I think it goes beyond a self defense issue into the "get your finger off the trigger" attitude.


New member
It depends on where you live.

I've lived in a few places where I would be seriously scared.

Currently I live in suburban Utah. :) Lots of good folks. Lots of people who would pull together in a crisis. I'm not to worried.


New member
Well, the whole concept of buying another few thousand rounds of ammo gives me pause.

I'd have to (1) move to a larger apartment; (2) move to one with stronger floors; or (3) rent a storage area.

Come to think of it, a coupla thousand more rounds of .22 probably wouldn't hurt...