I sure wish this would happen.


New member
Politically I am libertarian (small "l", not big "L"...there is a difference). There has been an idea tossed about of attempting to elect a majority of libertarians into the state government of one State (I believe one of the Northeastern states was originally suggested) and having it become a shining example of what our Constitution was meant to be. Of course, it would be a haven for libertarian-minded types to move to also.

As wonderful as a libertarian example state would be I admit it's pretty much a pipe dream. The odds are against it for two reasons:
1. So many people are still locked into identifying with one of the two major parties that they won't vote apart from their party, plus many still consider libertarians to be loons.
2. There exist divisions within libertarian ranks that have already caused discord. Banding together to make this happen seems too far of a stretch.