I support the NRA an'all; but . . . . .


New member
Boy they're stoopid sometimes.

True, they handle more than defense of the 2nd amendment; but I don't pay my dues for that.

They've spent about my membership dues sending me crap requesting money.

Assuming NOONE sent them extra donations. . . .

4 million members x $25 (minimum reg. fee) or interest on "lifetime membership" fee.

= $ 100 million.

They could BUY an election for that.

Or they could pay themselves high salaries and send out lots of junk mail with the funds from our collective voice.

grr. . . .

[This message has been edited by Battler (edited September 12, 2000).]


New member
I concur. At least once a week I get some kinda crap from NRA-ILA asking for more money. I don't think you can underestimate the money they make on advertising though.

On another note, I have been itching to get a life membership, and tonight I found a disabled veteran life membership for 375.00! Whoo boy, am I happy. I've been dreading anteing up the 750.00. I'm glad there's a discount for me. Some of my relatives, and I bought my son a Jr. Life but that still set me back a decent sum. I've been wanting to vote in their elections and I'm still a year short because I let my membership lapse for 8 months when I was having hard times and was mad about their backing down all the time.
The NRA will continue to be a slow and sometimes ineffective behemoth, but they are a behemoth all the same. They have done some good, and I think they'll keep it up as long as we prod them along.

Brett Bellmore

New member
KJM: Or maybe you CAN over-estimate how much money those mailings bring in. That is, after all, the key charge Knox has been making against the NRA's leadership for years; That they've got this kickback arrangement going with the direct mail vendors, where the vendors get huge contracts where 90% or so of the donations go to expenses, and in return the vendors fund the election campaigns of LaPierre faction board members.

It will certainly be informative to see their response to the membership initiative Knox collected signatures for, prohibiting vendors from contributing to the campaigns of board members. If Knox's allegations have any truth to them, the "winning team" are going to go thermonuclear!

Sic semper tyrannis!
Brett has a good point regarding the controversy Knox has mentioned; but it is also important to remember that your NRA dues cannot be used for lobbying (check out the charter of the organization).

Your NRA membership dues are used for the magazines, and educational/safety programs throughout the U.S.

This is why the NRA-ILA (Lobbying and lawsuits) and the NRA-PVF (campaign contributions) exist in addition to the NRA.

However, like Battler some of these requests puzzle me. I have a regular deduction set up to contribute to the NRA-ILA on a monthly basis. It drives me near crazy to see them waste money sending me MORE requests for less money than I am already giving them.


New member

If you want to stop receiveing solicitations, call their 1-800 number. They'll remove your name from the solicitation list. It's easy.

If anyone wants to get a $25 membership, I'm a volunteer recruiter.


NRA Life Member
Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners(MCRGO)